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Yoshi Fruit Tree Union Role Play: Shy Guy Showdown* | Started but still accepting.


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Plot: Shy Guys have taken over the world. They have also crowned a leader: Dark Dude. Ever since the coronation, ''Shy Guys" have multiplied by the billion. Could you stop them?




Yoshi Name:

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*You have to be part of the Yoshi Fruit Tree Union to Join.

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He did. That's why I put no way.


Even if he revoked that' date=' I wouldn't let you rejoin because of the way you acted.



You have to delete that post that said you quit the club. "So i herd u liek yoshiz" is not our phrase anymore. I revoke " Don't come back changing your mind later". I was just so pissed. Re-Join the club if you want to join.

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OOC: And he's(Yoshi's Bone) the HEAD leader.


OOC: We both are <.<


@Yoshi's Bone: That's horribly idiotic' date=' but whatever.


I just want our club to have no quit members.


But still, allowing a member to rejoin after they spammed the club and quit ecause of a stupid moto? Anyway, we'll discuss this in the Fruit Tree, this is for the RP.

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