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HUGE PRIZES! - Elite Card Designer Contest

Yusei Fudou

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Well, I'll count these entries in. Deadline is September 27 >_> Which is today. READ, PLEASE, DO SO. T.T


Now, to the rankings and I'll give the prizes ASAP:

1. Deity Mitsu (Award: 30 pts, 3 reps)

2. Tehodis (Award: 10 pts, 2 reps)

3. Talim Rave (Award: 5 pts, 1 rep)

4. Instinctmeister

5. Flame Dragon

6. Wolfberserker

7. Quest

8. Elemental Hero Shadow


There's 2 members that coulda make you win 5 pts, Instinctmeister. But they didn't, they ignored the contest. ATTAAACK! XD



-Please, next time I make a contest, don't reserve and entry and go take a nap for three weeks, please, I beg you.


EDIT: Sorry Tehodis, I gave you 1 rep for today cuz I'm not allowed to give more than this for today. But I'll give you your rep tomorrow ASAP.

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