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My Creation Myth for class, help appreciated

King of Games

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Guest King of Games

This is for my World Religions class. We had to create our own Creation Myth. I would be thrilled to hear any ideas to make it better.


In a time before time even existed, there was a solitary being known as The One. The One created space and time on what would become the first day. At the end of that first day, its form became unstable and split in a cataclysmic explosion into the Mother Terra and Father Sky. The two instantly fell in love and worked together to create the planets. As a gift to her partner, Terra created a link between them in the form of the moon. Not long after, they had two children, Ember and Stream.


Ember worked with his father, creating the suns in the sky. Meanwhile, Stream stayed close to her mother, creating vast oceans and the Arctics across the Earth. When Ember returned, the two children had many disagreements. Ember dried the oceans to uncover mountains and make arid desserts. Stream made the tropics and trees, with the help of her mother. To end the fighting, Terra separated the land into continents so that neither sibling could reach the other.


Finally, they were all brought together to make the creatures that would inhabit the planet. From the earth and water, clay was formed to shape the animals. Ember gave the clay warmth and a soul. When they were finished, Sky breathed life into the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were brutes and violent, save a few. The souls Ember had created for the dinosaurs were unacceptable and both parents wiped them out with a meteor.


The four of them disliked this empty world and decided to try again. This time however, Ember not permitted to give any of the animals more than a small amount of intelligence. Even though he was forced not to, Ember created a soul in one creature while others were busy admiring their work. That creature was man. Angry, Sky would have had Ember destroyed, but Terra spared him, instead locking him within herself. However, he still vented some anger out though the mountains of the Earth, creating volcanoes.


Terra and Sky were disdained at the Humans did. Hunting other animals, and cutting down trees. They could not redo it all again, cause they would need their son to do so and feared releasing him. Stream tried destroying the evil of man by sending a massive flood, but the humans soon returned to their ways. All they could do was watch and hope that man would be as wonderful a creation as the rest of the world had been made to be.

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