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Zombie Infiltration


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I bet your all thinking "ZOMG! Obsidian actually posted a deck!!!!11111". Well, I figured I needed a new sub-forum to frequent.


I built this deck last night cause I was looking through my Several Binders of card and I came across my "Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon". I suddenly remembered cards like "Shien's Spy" and "Creature Swap" etc. So I decided to build a deck based around Red-Eyes.


NOTE: I never bought the Zombie World SD. But I heard it's something like this.

NOTE: Don't ask about the random Cyber Dragon....Why WOULDN'T I put it in here? It fits in almost every deck type.

NOTE: I do not have "II Blud", "Vampire Lord" (I have no idea why....), or any of the really major zombies except "Vampire Genesis" (But what use is it if I don't have Vampire Lord??)



- Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon x1

- King of the Skull Servants x3

- Decayed Commander x1

- Vampire Lady x1

- Sangan x1

- Zombie Mammoth x2

- Shadow Delver x1

- Obsidian Dragon x1 (oooh yeah....My Name Dragon :))

- Dark Crusader x3

- Poison Mummy x2

- Skull Servant x1 (I am ashamed to say...I ONLY HAVE ONE SKULL SERVANT! :()

- Cyber Dragon x1

- The Lady in Wight x1 (I love this card....Skull Servant on roids)

- Castle of Dark Illusions x1



- Mask of Dispel x1

- Creature Seizure x1 (I was thinking of using two....dunno though)

- Mystical Space Typhoon x1

- Shien's Spy x2 (Maybe gonna use 3....dunno)

- Brain Control x1

- Creature Swap x1

- Everliving Underworld Cannon x2

- Lightning Vortex x1

- Call of the Mummy x1



- Gravity Bind x1

- Reverse Trap x1

- Royal Decree x1

- Generation Shift x1

- Dust Tornado x1

- Malevolent Catastrophe x1

- Tutan Mask x1

- Confusion Chaff x1

- Curse of Anubis x1

- Fake Trap x1


Alright. No Side Deck or Fusion Deck. This is my first deck posted here. I'd like some advice.

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You're doing it BEYOND wrong.


Mind telling me what to fix rather than just insulting the deck?


I'm not suprised at this. I made the deck at 10 PM last night. I was half asleep.


A 10 year old does a better job when he's dying.


Use this instead:


Monsters: 18

2 Dark Armed Dragon

3 Mezuki

3 Zombie Master

2 Goblin Zombie

3 Plaguespreader Zombie

2 Il Blud

1 Gorz

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Spirit Reaper


Spells: 15

3 Book of Life

3 Allure of Darkness

2 Card of Safe Return

2 Burial from the D.D. (Yes, for this build, he's going to be maindecking them >_<)

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Brain Control

1 Card Destruction

1 Giant Trunade


Traps: 7

3 Solemn Judgement


1 Torential Tribute

1 Mirror Force


Extra Deck:

~Generic for Zombies~



~Make a Generic Side, although with 3 Zombie World and 1 Burial from the D.D. in there~


And now you're done.


Reasonings for cards in the build I've posted will be explained upon req.

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You're doing it BEYOND wrong.


Mind telling me what to fix rather than just insulting the deck?


I'm not suprised at this. I made the deck at 10 PM last night. I was half asleep.


A 10 year old does a better job when he's dying.


Use this instead:


Monsters: 18

2 Dark Armed Dragon (Don't Have)

3 Mezuki (Don't Have)

3 Zombie Master (Don't Have)

2 Goblin Zombie (Don't Have)

3 Plaguespreader Zombie (Don't Have)

2 Il Blud (Don't Have)

1 Gorz (Only have 1 and it's in use already)

1 Snipe Hunter (Don't Have)

1 Spirit Reaper (Don't Have)


Spells: 15

3 Book of Life (Don't Have)

3 Allure of Darkness (Don't Have)

2 Card of Safe Return (Don't Have)

2 Burial from the D.D. (Yes' date=' for this build, he's going to be maindecking them >_<) (Don't Have)

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Brain Control

1 Card Destruction (Don't Have)

1 Giant Trunade


Traps: 7

3 Solemn Judgement (Don't Have)

2 PWWB (Don't Have)

1 Torential Tribute (Don't Have)

1 Mirror Force (Don't Have)


Extra Deck:

~Generic for Zombies~



~Make a Generic Side, although with 3 Zombie World and 1 Burial from the D.D. in there~


And now you're done.


Reasonings for cards in the build I've posted will be explained upon req.



There........I'm not one of those people that spends their life savings on Trading Cards -_-. I have what I have.

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You're doing it BEYOND wrong.


Mind telling me what to fix rather than just insulting the deck?


I'm not suprised at this. I made the deck at 10 PM last night. I was half asleep.


A 10 year old does a better job when he's dying.


Use this instead:


Monsters: 18

2 Dark Armed Dragon (Don't Have)

3 Mezuki (Don't Have)

3 Zombie Master (Don't Have)

2 Goblin Zombie (Don't Have)

3 Plaguespreader Zombie (Don't Have)

2 Il Blud (Don't Have)

1 Gorz (Only have 1 and it's in use already)

1 Snipe Hunter (Don't Have)

1 Spirit Reaper (Don't Have)


Spells: 15

3 Book of Life (Don't Have)

3 Allure of Darkness (Don't Have)

2 Card of Safe Return (Don't Have)

2 Burial from the D.D. (Yes' date=' for this build, he's going to be maindecking them >_<) (Don't Have)

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Brain Control

1 Card Destruction (Don't Have)

1 Giant Trunade


Traps: 7

3 Solemn Judgement (Don't Have)

2 PWWB (Don't Have)

1 Torential Tribute (Don't Have)

1 Mirror Force (Don't Have)


Extra Deck:

~Generic for Zombies~



~Make a Generic Side, although with 3 Zombie World and 1 Burial from the D.D. in there~


And now you're done.


Reasonings for cards in the build I've posted will be explained upon req.



There........I'm not one of those people that spends their life savings on Trading Cards -_-. I have what I have.


Then don't expect us to fix your deck full of cards that are horrible and shouldn't be used, when you should be using something else instead.

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You're doing it BEYOND wrong.


Mind telling me what to fix rather than just insulting the deck?


I'm not suprised at this. I made the deck at 10 PM last night. I was half asleep.


A 10 year old does a better job when he's dying.


Use this instead:


Monsters: 18

2 Dark Armed Dragon (Don't Have)

3 Mezuki (Don't Have)

3 Zombie Master (Don't Have)

2 Goblin Zombie (Don't Have)

3 Plaguespreader Zombie (Don't Have)

2 Il Blud (Don't Have)

1 Gorz (Only have 1 and it's in use already)

1 Snipe Hunter (Don't Have)

1 Spirit Reaper (Don't Have)


Spells: 15

3 Book of Life (Don't Have)

3 Allure of Darkness (Don't Have)

2 Card of Safe Return (Don't Have)

2 Burial from the D.D. (Yes' date=' for this build, he's going to be maindecking them >_<) (Don't Have)

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Brain Control

1 Card Destruction (Don't Have)

1 Giant Trunade


Traps: 7

3 Solemn Judgement (Don't Have)

2 PWWB (Don't Have)

1 Torential Tribute (Don't Have)

1 Mirror Force (Don't Have)


Extra Deck:

~Generic for Zombies~



~Make a Generic Side, although with 3 Zombie World and 1 Burial from the D.D. in there~


And now you're done.


Reasonings for cards in the build I've posted will be explained upon req.



There........I'm not one of those people that spends their life savings on Trading Cards -_-. I have what I have.


Then don't expect us to fix your deck full of cards that are horrible and shouldn't be used, when you should be using something else instead.


Then don't fix it and leave the topic alone.

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You're doing it BEYOND wrong.


Mind telling me what to fix rather than just insulting the deck?


I'm not suprised at this. I made the deck at 10 PM last night. I was half asleep.


A 10 year old does a better job when he's dying.


Use this instead:


Monsters: 18

2 Dark Armed Dragon

3 Mezuki

3 Zombie Master

2 Goblin Zombie

3 Plaguespreader Zombie

2 Il Blud

1 Gorz

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Spirit Reaper


Spells: 15

3 Book of Life

3 Allure of Darkness

2 Card of Safe Return

2 Burial from the D.D. (Yes' date=' for this build, he's going to be maindecking them >_<)

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Brain Control

1 Card Destruction

1 Giant Trunade


Traps: 7

3 Solemn Judgement


1 Torential Tribute

1 Mirror Force


Extra Deck:

~Generic for Zombies~



~Make a Generic Side, although with 3 Zombie World and 1 Burial from the D.D. in there~


And now you're done.


Reasonings for cards in the build I've posted will be explained upon req.



Make the Deck above. Ebay exist for a reason and Zombies aren't even that expensive, what with zombie world (IT FAILS BUT PROVIDES ZOMBIE MASTERS AND TURLES) and il blud in COSC SE.

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