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Crossed Wires, A Reboot RP

The Warden

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Welcome to Mainframe, system is now operational. If you are unfamiliar with the history of this system, please enter Y.E.S into your vidwindow now.




Understood. Many cycles ago, this system was situated between terrible wars, between Sprites, Binomes and Virus kind. This system was defended by heroic Guardian 452, Sprite Bob, along with our Command.com Dot Matrix, her little brother Enzo Matrix, the System Admin Phong, Renegades Matrix and AndrAIa, dim-witted robots Hack & Slash (recently reformatted into females Crash & Bang), the insane virus Hexadecimal, the Search Engine Ray Tracer, and expert Hacker Mouse. These brave sprite fought for many cycles, stopping the virus Megabyte, even at the cost of possibly crashing Mainframe.


Now, many cycles have passed and these brave heroes have long since gone, leaving the defence of Mainframe in the hands of the newer sprites, and the two Guardians within the city, including System Admin Archon. There are also two Viruses running amoke this place, avoiding capture. One has currently set up a new residence in G-Prime (Ghetty Prime), the other has taken up residence on Lost Angles. (Please note that nulls are no more as the function to return Nulled sprites to normal has been created and used). It is up to the Sprites and Binomes to save this system from the Viruses and the Games, or destroy it under your Viral boot, do you accept, Y/N?




Excellent, preparing for system reboot.


::Entry Form::


Character Name:

Age: (normal numbers, not cycle, unless you wanna be clever)

Function: (Sprite, Virus (only 2), Binome, User)

Specialty: (Guardian, Command.Com, Renegade, Hacker, Benign Virus, Malignant Virus, Avatar (User))

Appearance: (For a user it is renamed avatar)


Guardian Keytool Name:

Viral Abilities: (Delete if not a Virus)

User Abilities: (Delete if not a User)

Hacker Abilities: (Delete if not a Hacker



[spoiler=Functions & Specialties]

Sprite: A humanoid being, they're the most human and command most of the functions, usng the binomes.

Virus: Like a sprite, it can be humanoid, but they contain insect and beast like characteristics as well, malignant viruses can corrupt other binomes, but they cannot corrupt guardians, whose code prevents it and can cure infected beings. They come in many factors, the deadliest being trojan horse, that can steal data from a being and copy it into their form, ultimately imitating it's victim.

Binome: The general populace, they take the form of rectangular and spheric beings, imitating 1s and 0s. They are easilt corrupted but can fight back in great numbers.

User: The enigmatic computer controllers, they play games and install new software to the the system, no one knows anything about Mainframes user.


Guardian: Their trademark is to mend and defend. Their power comes from their wrist devices called key tools, able to morph into useful object and use special commands, such as restore. They cannot be infected by viruses, and their code can cure others.

Command.Com: The military commander of Main Frame, there is only ever one.

Renegade: Rogue program that does not follow their codes, doing what they want when they want.

Hacker: Programs that can alter codes and create theer own, expert hackers are undefeatable, but they are weak if their controls are lost, as they require a terminal to hack. Once created, they usually depart from their creator, moving to their own devices.

Benign Virus: A virus that cannot corrupt other beings, they make up for this in extreme power. Their codes can spread an infection quickly if spreads tot he four corners of the net.

Melignant Virus: Highly infective viruses, they are not as strong as Benigns, but make up for this with greater intellect.

Avatar: The form a user takes that has entered Mainframe, it is unknown if the Mainframe user possesses an avatar.




Username: BrokenHeart15

Character Name: Archon

Age: 72

Function: Sprite

Specialty: System Admin

Appearance: darkhigh.jpg

Weaponry: Principal Office Energy Blade Version MkII

History: Composed of data and energy, he took over from master Phong after he finally decompiled. His armour keep him in one piece and he can readily seperate it to fight. He is not as wise as Phong, but he makes up for it by being up to date most of the time. He deeply hates viruses, but possesses a grudging respect for them.


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OOC: Hey, could I have a human?

Username: Devon Jones

Character Name: William Jones

Age: 28.3(Out of twelve months)

Specialty: Ice Powers; he got mutated at 10

Appearance: Later

Weaponry: A Stun Gun & a Tazer

User ablities: Snake-like quickness & able to make a Spam Quicksand(Good Use Of Spam)

History: William is a young man who somehow got in the mainframe while wiring a new piece of technology about a week ago & got caught in the fight. He's powerful in other ways, not technology, but good on electronics.

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Character Name:Aspheus

Age: 69




Weaponry:Tentacles,sharp teeth,robot arms

Viral Abilities:?

History:As a kid he was well known for his hacking skills.When he turned 24 he became a hacker for the system.As a Hacker he is extremely hard to kill or defeat.Nobody knows his real name as to the conclusion of "Aspheus".

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Character Name:Aspheus





Weaponry:Tentancles,Robot arms

Guardian Keytool Name:?

Hacker Abilities:Code creator,Code breaker,MAin control,Side Control

History:As a kid he was well known for his hacking skills.When he turned 24 he became a hacker for the system.As a Hacker he is extremely hard to kill or defeat.Nobody knows his real name as to the conclusion of "Aspheus".

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Ooc: If you choose Virus or something, can you choose weapons like in the Megaman series? (Just suggesting)

Username: Hidden

Character Name: Archurus

Age: 19

Function: Virus

Specialty: Benign Virus

Appearance: http://mikajima.deviantart.com/art/Ly-0-110244604

Weaponry: Morphing Arm Left (He can transform this arm into everything he can imagine.)

Morphing Arm Right (As before he can transform it, but it can only be melee weapons.)

Mortar Gun (Takes in his whole back, it can melt back into his body to provide more moveability.)

Continuos Ion Beam (Shoots nearly endless barages of Ion blasts.)

Guardian Keytool Name:

Viral Abilities: Archurus has the ability of 'Coreshock' it will shock the enemy to the core and delete it immediatly, though he only uses his supremely strong Ability as a last resort (due to using too much energy) He also has the power of Evolving in 3 different forms, one for brutal power, another one for agility, and the last is his 'Supreme' form, which combines every aspect of his forms together, creating the ultimate opponent, when he is in this stage he only reffers to the name Archirus P. Why he uses that name is still a mistery to him.

User Abilities: Virus is non possesable

Hacker Abilities: Virus is non possesable

History: Archurus actually excisted out of 3 pieces called Magdaum, Chivus and Arbadus. But when the time came and out of fear that a new Sprite would arrive, they melted with eachother forming the almighty Virus called Archirus P. and he raided and terrorised many people until he got defeated by an army and was supposed to be sealed away, sealing him in the Virus called Archurus, though he would really wanted to take control of Archirus P. he tries to prolong his 'Supreme' form, when it will succeed, he will take revenge on the lost time he had.


Archirus' P. Form (Supreme): http://mikajima.deviantart.com/art/Judge-97383151

Archurus' Speedbomb Form (Agility): http://mikajima.deviantart.com/art/O-X-O-106691774

Archurus' Megapincer Form: http://mikajima.deviantart.com/art/Speed-paint-mecha-111578093

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I will allow him to have a limit of five weapons he can transform too, in each arm that is, he must have some form of history as well. his core shock can only fragment his foes, deletion would be too powerful, you're a virus, not a super virus, also,I want details for evolution, which I repeat cannot be spammed, the ultimate form will be his utmost last resort as well, oh yes, your lair is in lost angles, congratulations

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