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pokemon battle kingdom chapter 2 is updated


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[spoiler=chapter 1]"Hey professor" yelled Caleb a boy with short blond hair moderately tall with a

blue cap that had a red symbol in the middle that said inferdro. He had blue jeans with a red streak down the middle of both legs and a red shirt witha blue vest. "Good morning" said professor Oak walking in with a glass of tea in which steam was rising from."Good morning" said Caleb. "I take it your another kid from the town who, it's his tenth birthday and he wants a pokemon well pick Charmander the fire type Bulbasaur the grass type or Squirtle the water pokemon" said Oak "Well yes it's my tenth birthday and yes I would like a pokemon but no I would not be snotty like the other kids I would like to help you a the farm today" said Caleb. "Well happy birthday then, would like a pokemon to help you" Replied Oak "Umm yes I would please can I use squirtle" said Caleb "Yes here you go" said Oak handing Caleb a ball about hand size with a black circle in the middle and a black line seperating a red half and a white half "Go squirtle" yelled Caleb. TBC (to be coutinued)


[spoiler=chapter 2]A blue turtle emerged from the pokeball "squirtle Squirtle" said the turlte "hi Squirt" caleb said with affection. "squirt squirt" said squirtle. "okay squirtle we have to feed the pokemon, and water the garden" said Caleb as the two walked toward a square of berries and flowers "Okay squirt use water gun now rapid spin" the turtle shot water in the middle of the air then withdrew in a shell and spun quickly toward the water on contact the water seperated and looked like diamonds floating through the sky. "check the garden now lets rapid spin this fod then use tail whip" shouted caleb. squirtle spun in his shell next to the bags of food then jumped and slapped the food with his tail into food bowls "Great job squirt" said caleb "Squirt! Squirtle!"


sorry chap 2 isnt done yet but its late

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