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Overlord Lucan

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Well hello and thank you for clicking on this club! From the name you can probaly tell what this club is about, I realize that there are other clubs like this but they kind of seemed uhh.... awkward. So I decided to try making a dueling thread, there are a couple of rules about dueling and this club in general:

[spoiler=Rules] 1. No Swearing.

2. No spamming

3. Never insult another member (There are certain circimstances that this is acceptable, but for the most part don't do it.)

3A. You are allowed to talk trash during a duel. (After all it wouldn't be a duel without it.)

4.Do not post complaints in this thread, if you want to complain pm me.

5. Dueling rules must be established before a duel.

6. Don't whine

7. Have fun, or else

If you don't follow one of these rules I'll PM you a warning, if you do it twice you shall have a neg rep, Three times and you will be temporarily banned, 4 times your banned for good.



[spoiler=How the duels work] Now that we have covered the basic rules let me explain how this will work, first when you join or for specific duels you may post or PM your judge your deck(You can change your deck later), second you will challenge someone by PM or on this thread (you can post if you are up to dueling anybody, but make sure to make the rules to the duel are clear), then if the person accepts you can set up a duel time or duel then, your judge will PM you yor first cards and it will go on from there.

First you may be wondering who is and why you need a judge, the answer is simple, a judge can be anyone (Including the duelists) who agreed to help , you will PM them your deck and then they will shuffle it, then PM you the cards you drew. This system was made to discourage cheaters. AS mentioned earlier you can choose to duel without a judge (A.E. be your own judge)but you will need to post your deck so we know you aren't cheating. Make sure you set a duel time that everyone can make it on (as the judge needs to be on too) and don't take too long with your turn. Also you need to decide how your dueling, here is the form to give to your judge



[spoiler= Custom Duel Options] Life points (100, 2000, 4000, 9305 etc.):


Custom cards or No Custom cards (If a card is juged too OP I will put it on the custom ban list):


Time you have to make a turn (If you take to long you will just draw and skip the rest of your turn.):


Special Rules (Such as not having to sacrifice for level 5 monsters or whatever you can think of):


[spoiler= Custom Cards Ban List]



[spoiler=Member Registration form]

Name :

Would you be willing to judge?:

Are you active:




[spoiler= members]Members: Apple_cream, HarbingerEvil





[spoiler=Ranks (and how to get them)]

Leader: Apple_Cream

Admin (I choose who gets to be Admins):

Card Master (Win 20 duels)

Vetran Member (Win 10 duels and be here for a month):

Experianced Member (Win 5 duels and be here for two weeks):

Member (Win 3 duels and be here for a week) :






[spoiler=Official Judges] (Anybody can judge but these are the people willing to do it anytime): Apple_Cream, HarbingerEvil




We will have tournaments now and again so be ready!


If you have any questions feel free to PM or post

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