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Art of Misdirection.

Ignis Veritas

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This is a deck i've been playing around with. it isn't the best in the world. Yet it never fails to amuse me when i play with it. Now this is a for fun deck, with that said.


You rage you lose.


deck: 43 cards.


Monsters: 25

Gorz The emissary of Darkness x1

Archfiend of gilfer x1

D hero - Dasher x1

Handcuffs dragon X1

Dark Resonator x1

Junk synchron x1

E hero - stratos x1

Noisy gnat x2

D hero - doom lord x2

ghost gardna x2

Nitro synchron x1

krebons x2

Kunoichi x2

quilbolt hedgehog x2

jutte fighter x2

turbo booster x3


Spells: 14

D Draw x1

creature swap x2

pot of avarice x2


double summon x1

Swords of revealing light x1

Shien's Spy x1 (trying to get more)

heavy storm x1

mst x1

monster reborn x1

lightning vortex x1


traps!: 4

Ojama trio x1

threatening roar x1

scrap iron scarecrow x1

compulsory evacuation device x1


extra deck:

Magical android

Junk warrior

Iron Chain dragon

gaia knight, the force of earth (only here because i don't have any more synchros)

Black rose dragon

nitro warrior

Stardust dragon



I have no clue what you would classify this deck as seeing as it's somewhere between synchro and creature control and general lulzy-ness.


Ghost gardna and turbo booster are in here because of the fact that they have 0 attack point. By using shien's spy or creature swap i can hand them over to my opponent opening up a pseudo direct attack. Also with Ghost gardna it's effect activates in my grave meaning i can hand it to my opponent, kill it, and drop the atk of one of their remaining monster as a set up to second attack. Also turbo booster special summons himself which I find useful for setting up the pseudo direct attack.


Handcuffs is basically a card i used for the hell of it but in practice i use it pretty much the same way i use my ghost gardnas, i let it die so it's effect drops more points from my opponent. And it can potentially come back to life =D


Noisy gnat works to help with synchro summoning, junk synchron target, and if need be creature swap or shien spy target.

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