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The Five Brothers


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Here I come with a new small set of cards, it only contains 6 cards. PLS rate, comment, and any points or reps are alot appreciated as my friend Mitsu would say.




Only one "Brother Lao" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards are face-up on your side of the field:

"Brother Michael": Increase this card's ATK by 500 points.

"Brother Para": Increase this card's DEF by 800 points.

"Brother John": When this card attacks an opponen't monster with a DEF that is lower than the ATK of this card, your opponent losses life points equal to the difference.

"Brother Raul": Control of this card cannot switch.




Only one "Brother Michael" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards are face-up on your side of the field:

"Brother Lao": The DEF of this card is doubled.

"Brother Para": This card cannot be removed from play.

"Brother John": Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points.

"Brother Raul": Control of this card cannot switch.




Only one "Brother Para" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards on face-up on your side of the field:

"Brother Lao": This card can be special summoned from your hand.

"Brother John": This card can attack twice during the same battle phase.

"Brother Michael": When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponen't life points, draw one card from your deck.

"Brother Raul": This card is unaffected by your opponent's normal trap cards.




Only one "Brother John" can exist one your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards are face-up one your side of the field:

"Brother Lao": This card can attack your opponent's life points directly.

"Brother Michael": This card is unaffected by your opponent's spell cards.

"Brother Para": Once per turn, you can change the battle position of this card.

"Brother Raul: You can look at your opponent's hand.




Only one "Brother Raul" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when these cards are face-up on your side of the field:

"Brother Lao": Control of this card cannot switch

"Brother Michael": This card cannot be destroyed by battle(damage calculation is still applied).

"Brother Para": Increase the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters on your side of the field whose card name begins with "Brother" by 200 points.

"Brother John": Once per turn, you can change the battle position of one face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.



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