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cloud oppression deck contest


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okay here we go


Generic Extra Deck


Monsters: 18


Breaker the Magical Warrior

Cloudian - Acid Cloud x2

Cloudian - Altus x2

Cloudian - Cirrostratus x3

D.D. Crow x2

Herald of Orange Light x3

Thunder King Rai-Oh x3

Vanity's Fiend x2


Spells: 14


Brain Control

Fog Control x3

Giant Trunade

Hand Destruction x3

Kaiser Colosseum x3

Monster Reborn

The Sanctuary in the Sky x2


Traps: 8


Mirror Force

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x3

Royal Oppression x3

Torrential Tribute



Kaiser Colosseum - good for keeping my opponent from swarming, works well with fog control, to dump counters onto cirrostratus, which can oppress and destroy here.


If you feel I need to explain anything else let me know and I'll edit this

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Here We Goooooooo!

Monsters: 19

3x Altus

3x Acid Cloud

3x Cirrostratus

1x Vaintys Fiend

3x Thunder King

1x D.D Warrior Lady

2x Cloudian Nimbusman - May be beatstick but 29,500 isn't nice to face in against and anti SS

1x Cloudian Ghost Fog

1x Marshmallon

1x Morphing Jar


Spells: 13

3x Cloudian Squall

2x Fog Control

1x MST

1x Trunade

1x Brain Control

2x Double Summon (this is not a special summon and usefull in a clouds)

1x Creature Swap (fun switching morphing or ghost fog)

2x Sanct (3 spirits is never enough, TRUST me)


Traps: 9

3x Spirit Barrier

3x Royal Oppresion

3x Solemn Judgement

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[spoiler=CatCloud Oppression]

Monsters: 18

2 Rescue Cat

2 Airbellum


3 Altus

3 Cirrostratus

3 Acid Cloud

3 Cat of Ill Omen


Spells: 13

3 Necrovalley

3 Sanctuary

3 Terraforming

3 Creature Swap

1 B-Con

1 Heavy

1 Trunade



Traps: 9

3 Solemn

3 Oppression

3 Spirit Barrier




Okay, it may seem contradictory having Necrovalley and Oppression in a deck with Rescue Cat and POC. But there are enough Spell Destruction cards and other Field Spells that it isn't a problem. It speeds up the deck, creates a stronger win condition, and maintains control.

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