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You've got a point Herald, the only Poke'mon he's let evolve were...


Charmander to Charizard

Chikorita to Bayleef

Krabby to Kingler

Starly to, wait did Ash get it to Staravia or Staraptor?

Buizel to Floatzel

There are others, but I don't remember...


He never uses Snorlax anymore, that makes me sad...

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Can I join? I only meet the rep requirements' date=' though.



BludMonkey, you are added.


Sorry for not posting, I got another Warning and couldn't post for 6 hours.


I know don't you just HATE that?! XP

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I don't get why I got those warnings.

One was for spamming, one was for flaming, they were both for the same post.

I dispute them both.

It wasn't spamming because I was commenting on the quality of a deck.

It wasn't flaming because I was saying the deck was bad, and not the maker.


I even deleted the post, and then after I deleted it, I got a warning from JoC.


What did you get the warning for? Warnings make it so you can't post for 6 hours?!


Only when you have a warning level at 90% are you temp-banned for 6 hours.

At 50% it's 3 hours.

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May I join?


Yes. Added.


Harbinger' date=' it's Chibi Robo!



You bet your boots it is.


Wow' date=' could you post what you posted in that thread here?


My WL (Warning Level) has never been over 20%, and it's at 20% currently for spamming... Guess where, Clubs/Organizations =P



I deleted it. But I said something along the lines of "Holy S*** Pile O' Fail!!!!".

I feel bad about it now, but I really thought that the deck was bad.

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Yeah well, right after I posted Faint Brushfire came out of nowhere calling for retribution, and the strengthening of the rules, and how people who flame helpless noobs should be punished, and how its not fair.

He went on for quite a while, and I think that is what really made them give me 90% warning.


But, oh well.


Oh hey, Seta. Do you want to try to make me a sig. (Link to request page in my sig)

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