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[align=center]Fractal Omega

NOTE: Even though I am leaving YCM, I am subscribed to this thread, and will still post here.


Fractal Shoppe

-I have been thinking, we should create a Chronicle of Important occurences/threads/members on YCM. If anyone has ideas for what to add, please post them.










-All YCM rules apply.

-Those wishing to join should have 2,500 posts and a total score of +15 reps minimum. These can be waived by the choice of HarbingerEvil

NOTE: There is no application form, inclusion into the group is at the discretion of the group leader, or those given the ability to accept members.

-Fractals may propose group support of an idea, thread, etc. on YCM. All these proposals will be accepted or denied by HarbingerEvil





The First of the Fractals, and the organizer of the group. He was the one who brought the team together to plan their domination.

Omega Chips: 13


X-31 Fighter

The first Fractal to join HarbingerEvil in his group. He is Evil's second in command.

Omega Chips: 10


Judgment Dragon

The 3rd Fractal to join Fractal Omega, and one of the highest ranked in the group.

Omega Chips: 0



Number 4 in the hierarchy. He is a great Fractal within Fractal Omega.

Omega Chips: 5


Cyber Altair

Fractal number 5. He is the leader of another successful group as well.

Omega Chips: 5



The 6th Fractal to join Fractal Omega. Is widely known by all others as a master.

Omega Chips: 6



Number 7 in Fractal Omega, he is widely liked by the others around him.

Omega Chips: 0


~Lord Davok~

Number 8 in the rankings. He is widely known for his storytelling prowess.

Omega Chips: 5


~ P O L A R I S ~

9 in Fractal Omega, he is widely known for his deck making abilities.

Omega Chips: 0


Random King

Lucky number 10. He is a lover of Magikarp, and a Ryusei no Rockman fan.

Omega Chips: 5



11 in Fractal Omega. The world reknowned King of Kirby

Omega Chips: 1



Number 12. Loves the fast food places of the world.

Omega Chips: 0


Fenrir's Herald

Number 13 in the hierarchy. He is a well known RPer

Omega Chips: 0



14th in Fractal Omega. He makes strong decks, but can still get better.

Omega Chips: 0


Primal Release

15th member of Fractal Omega, he is well known by all others.

Omega Chips: 0



[spoiler=Omega Chips]

Omega Chips are the currency and point system of Fractal Omega. You can gain them in various ways, and spend them in the Armory for increases in the club or for club events. (Contests, RPs, etc.)

Ways to get Omega Chips:

1) Start a good topic. [1]

2) Refer a member [1]

3) Win a contest [Depends on ranking in contest]

4) Create a good idea for the organization [2]

5) Favor from HarbingerEvil for good conduct [5]




In the Armory, you can purchase items to assist you in your undertakings for Fractal Omega.

All items cost a certain amount of Omega Chips to purchase, but can give bonuses upon purchasing.



Move up a Rank- 50 Omega Chips

Will add more soon.




Fill this out and PM it to HarbingerEvil to become Allied with Fractal Omega.

Club Name:

Club Description:

Link to Club:



Here is a list and description of allies of Fractal Omega.


YCM Elite Duelists Club

Here we discuss things related to the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game and create and test Deck Ideas.


Funk Cafe

Welcome to the Funk Cafè. This club was made for everyone to join and have fun, talk and relax. If your looking to make new friends or just to pass time then this is your chance. What are you waiting for?


Elite RPers Guild

We are a Guild/Club/Organisation for RPers - Elite and alike. Maybe you're not that good at RPing? We'll help you improve. Maybe you're an Elite? You can help others improve!

Sometimes we'll have polls to make a "Club RP", where we will have an RP specifically for our members. If more RP clubs appear, perhaps we can start "RP Wars" and such. ^^

So, we will have RP Ranks and stuff, so people know who are better and who aren't.


The YCM Writer's Guild

This is a club for all the writers out there on YCM!


The Video Gamers Club

Ok, welcome, one and all to the Video Gamers Club. We will discuss Video Games, but also other junk.........


Spam Obliterators Club

Welcome to the club where we obliterate Spam! Well, got enough of spam? You're in the right place!




Here I will provide links to Causes or Threads supported by Fractal Omega.


Deck Section Deck Examples

Create a stickied thread in the Your Deck section that gives outlines for common deck types, in order to help those who are new to deck making get ideas, and make good decks.


Keep the Debate Section Alive!!!!!

Help keep YCM's last intellegent section going. Don't let it fall and leave YCM an intelectual wasteland.






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