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Roar softly and carry a big beatstick...


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Monsters: (20)

2x Gilasaurus

3x Black Stego

2x Babycerasaurus

3x Hydrogeddon

1x Frostasaurus

1x Black Tyranno

2x Super-Ancient Dinobeast

3x Super Conducter Tyranno

3x Ultimate Tyranno


Spells: (13)

3x Mausoleum of the Emperor

2x Terraforming

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST

2x Big Evolution Pill

3x Trade In


Traps: (7)

2x Solemn

3x Threatening Roar

1x Hunting Instinct

1x Survival Instinct (Helps with Mausoleum)

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