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[Disc] Raigeki

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What are your views of this card' date=' ad should it have been banned?





It's a very good card, bla bla, broken, bla bla, it was a good thing that this got banned, but stupid that it even got created.


Now that I've been on topic, I take this chance to ask why you are still here? I thought you left a while ago? What are you doing here?

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vortex has a discard cost and only hits face ups. thats why its balanced. mirror force can only be chained to an attack, and only kills attack position monsters. its a bit over powered, which is why its limit one.

all destructive cards have some limitations on their abilities in the departments of timing, cost, or effectiveness, that balance them, and in cases that they are still over powered, theyre listed in some form (banned, limited, etc)


raigeki is just too powerful as it has no restrictions.


same thing with harpies feather duster. and dark hole.

the only downside on darkhole is that it hits your field too, but then it can be abused when you have no monsters.

if it said....

"if you activate this card, you cannot summon this turn, destroy all monsters on the field"

then it would be fine.

even if it just said "you cannot normal summon"


"activate only at main phase 2"

but it has no limitations.

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What are your views of this card' date=' ad should it have been banned?





It's a very good card, bla bla, broken, bla bla, it was a good thing that this got banned, but stupid that it even got created.


Now that I've been on topic, I take this chance to ask why you are still here? I thought you left a while ago? What are you doing here?



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Playing Devil's Advocate:

But doesn't it punished overextending in the same way that Heavy Storm does?


(I don't actually think this.)




The difference here is' date=' Heavy Storm forces the owner to play more conservatively. And Harpie's Feather Duster is in much the same class as Raigeki.



Finally, a good arguement.

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Let's nerf it. =D




Now it can be run in threes.


this + cyber dragon make an evil combo


it could if this card was a quick play (maybe and I don't exactly see how) ....

in fact, that is a pretty good idea & cyber dragon can't be used with this, if you summon it, then you will in theory have monsters and be unable to activate this card, if you have 0 monsters and activate this card, then your opponent won't have monsters and you won't be able to summon cyber dragon.

I would skip my battle phase with pleasure and let my only monster of the moment get killed if I get to use raigeki's effect as a legal if this card was real.


about the original version of raigeki (the real one).... its one of the most powerful spell cards ever created and is good to have it banned. (same as pot of greed)

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