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[DISC] The Inpachi

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Inpachi is a tree. Someone cuts hims down, causing him to be possessed. He aimlessly walks around attacking people. So Marauding Captain comes and beats his ass. However, Inpachi lights himself on fire or something, becoming an even stronger Blazing Inpachi. He defeats Chopman in battle by using a backfire attack and then later encounters Gagagigo. He gets into a

Four-Man Battle Cell or w/e with him and Marauding Captain comes to fight. Together they defeat him and Inpachi's new form happens to be a double-egged sword, so he is literally burning himself. He goes out however, and is basically nothing but charcoal. He just sits there as people use his body for "awesome BBQ" until Kozacky discovers him. Kozacky takes Inpachi back to Dark World and reconstitutes his body, turning him into Woodborg Inpachi.

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Inpachi is a tree. Someone cuts hims down' date=' causing him to be possessed. He aimlessly walks around attacking people. So Marauding Captain comes and beats his ass. However, Inpachi lights himself on fire or something, becoming an even stronger Blazing Inpachi. He defeats Chopman in battle by using a backfire attack and then later encounters Gagagigo. He gets into a

Four-Man Battle Cell or w/e with him and Marauding Captain comes to fight. Together they defeat him and Inpachi's new form happens to be a double-egged sword, so he is literally burning himself. He goes out however, and is basically nothing but charcoal. He just sits there as people use his body for "awesome BBQ" until Kozacky discovers him. Kozacky takes Inpachi back to Dark World and reconstitutes his body, turning him into Woodborg Inpachi.



Nice explanation, but how the [EFF!] did you get Gagagigo, Chopman, and Marauding Captain into Inpachi's story?

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I saw that a long time ago, one of the most elaborated stories (if not the most) about some cards of the game told by the cards only.

there are alot of cards involved in the story

-invader of darkness

-dimensional prision


-two man cell battle


-double attack

-gogiga gagagigo


-gogogiga gagagigo

-freed the wanderer


-absolute end

-charcoal impachi

-marauding capitan


-eria the water charmer

-familiar possessed eria


and some other cards whose names I'll eventually put in here :)

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