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[disc] golem (just plain golem)

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hmmm' date='


-LV 6=Easy to Summon

-2500 ATK=Runs over nearly everything used in the current Meta

-DARK=Great in Tele-DAD

-Attack Twice=

I destroy your Wulf and i also attack your LP


Overall, one of the best Side deck cards

actually, it is attack for every light on the field + 1

lightsworn meta > teledad meta

and ">" = what?


Basically, the > symbol is the "is greater/better than" symbol. The < symbol is the "is less/worse than" symbol. Basically, the "lightsworn meta > tele-DAD meta" says that a Lightsworn meta is better than a Tele-DAD meta.

As for the card with the crappy name, it is a very good card that will most likely be in almost every side-deck.

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