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Im running those other card tuts out of business

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thats right [insert competitor here] ive found the secret to making nearly every single kind of card. ghost rares holographic rares: you name it.so then, im gonna teach you how to make these and if you dont have photo shop, too bad, you cant make them. but dont feel bad, cause you can request them here too (so its a tut and a shop). but it will take some time for me to do screen shotting and such work to make the tuts. but for now, the question youve all been waiting for: how to make a ghost rare?!?!?



1) ill be using my "buster blade archfiend" for this tut (and my others) but first, here are some comparisons:

the image that ycm makes vs. the img that we will be making



so theres obviously a huge difference. the first thing you need to do, is make the card on ycm make sure that you select secret rare for the card rarity.


2) so then, now us the rectangle marisque tool: f_rectangletom_bb710c8.png and then we select the box with card art. then paste it on a new layer and put it on top of the card art on layer 1.


3) so now, we wanna do is open up our little card in photoshop, and then, click the magic wand tool. it looks like this: f_magicwandtom_2bdb4f2.png


set the tolerance pretty high, but not too much so that it would go into the card art. so now, we want to select as much of the background as we can without going into the main image. once all the background is take out, it will look exactly the same. and why?!? because your layer 2 image should be right on top of your layer 1 image.


4) Next, select the layer to card image. you can do this by holding the ctrl key and then clicking on the layer in the layer box on the side. then use the hot keys ctrl-u a screen should pop up that looks like this:



as you can see, the default is the master. change that to red. then turn the hue and saturation all the way to the right and then the lightness to 75. then change the primary to yellow and repeat. do that with all the primaries. then click ok.


5) now then, to work on the background. do what you did earlier with the magic wand tool and background selection. make sure to change the layer back to layer 1. click ctrl-u and then do what you did earlier with the card art, except instead of 75, the lightness should be 50.


6) now look at that beautiful ghost rare. but you still have to save it. the deafault save tipe is PSD. that is not a picture file (its a photoshop file which people save on when they want to keep the multiple layer thing). scroll down to png. thats better. save it as that and then upload it and show people your wounderful ghost rare. and for the record, it is a type of rarity


coming soon


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