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Witch cards, i need new ideas so please help...


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Witch crusade Normal spell card

Pay 1000 life points.Special summon as many Witch cards as possible from your hand.Destroy all Witch cards on your field at the end of the turn.


Doom spell Normal spell card

Remove from play all Witch cards in your graveyard.Destroy cards on the field up to the number of cards removed from play by this effect.Skip your battle phase this turn.


Requiem revival Normal trap card

Special summon one of your removed from play Witch monsters.


Des wand equip spell card

Remove from play one card you control to equip this card to a Witch monster.Increase the selected monster's ATK by 1000 points.The monster can attack directly by halving it's ATK until the end of the battle phase.


Magical Revolution normal spell card

Remove from play one card in your graveyard.Add one Witch card form your deck to your hand.


Spiritual Witch 4 stars DARK spellcaster

This card's ATK becomes the number of witch cards that are removed from play x1000. ATK:0/DEF:0


Witch Warrior 4 stars DARK spellcaster

Once per turn, you can remove from play one monster in your graveyard to switch the battle position of one monster on the field. ATK:1700/DEF100


Witch priestess 3 stars DARK spellcaster

Each time a Witch monster destroys a monster, increase the DEF of this card by 800 points. If a witch monster would be destroyed,by decreasing the DEF of this card by 1000 points, it is not destroyed.(Damage calculation is applied normally). ATK:1000/DEF:2000


Forbidden incantation Continuous trap

Each time a monster is removed from play, activate one of the following effects,based on the original DEF of that card:0:Special summon one removed from play level 4 or lower Witch monster.


More to come.):D:lol:

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