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[F13]Faction 13: Super Smash Bros. The Role Playing Game Coming Soon[F13]


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[align=center]In the beginning when the first primeval atoms formed out of nonexistence and the Gods arose to give birth to a much younger and feebler universe, they were there. When the first planets, solar systems and supernovas burst into existence and life was no where near able to exist, they were there. When the thousands of dimensions began their ever present layers across the countless planets in the universe and the alternate Rurals paralleled the planets, they were there. When the first amino acids and all sorts of materials formed the first primordial life, they were there. At the beginnings and ends of civilizations, they were there. They were always there, never ending, never beginning. They were omniscient and omnipresent within the universe. They had seen the times of the universe before even the Gods themselves. Yet they had a purpose. A most chilling purpose, in fact. The complete and violent destruction of the entire universe. Their is no end to their efforts. They have constantly been defeated again and again, and still they go on. They are the pure Incarnation of Evil. The Yang to the Yin. For they wish no happy endings, never. They will never let up. They are unforgiving, unrelenting, never stopping. Heroes fall and villains prevail, until finally the entire lifeblood of the universe is sucked dry. That is their goal. Who are they, you ask? They are known by many names, but most of all they are named Faction 13.

~Castro Marzæk, the Muse, Chronicler of the Universe[/align]


[spoiler=The Organization]As you can guess from the intro, this is a Role Playing Organization that centers around the Meta Continuity™, a chronicle of the universe fighting against the ever grasping evil of Faction 13. The Meta Continuity will be a collection of many (and I mean many) role plays staged in the countless planets across the Metaverse. Members are allowed to create their own role plays with the [F13] tag, stating it is within Faction 13's continuity. Also, this is an Organization that also centers on helping new role players and also more role players into becoming more skilled at role playing and having more fun at it. The application is stated below.



Username: (Your username)

List of Role Plays you can list that you have participated(or participate)in:

Skills that you Believe you have in Role Playing: (List any of the things that make you a good role player)

Faults that you Believe you have in Role Playing: (List any of the things that you think you can improve on)

Role Playing Example: (Make one up right on the spot. No pressure, you don't have to have it extremely long. Just try to make it as detailed as you can. Any scenario.)

Why you want to join: (Optional. Explain why you wanted to join this.)



[spoiler=Organization Executives]

These are the list of those who are in charge of the organization. These are the Executives.



"Imagine the Incarnation of all Evil squeezed into one large group of super powerful beings. Now imagine the Incarnation of all Evil, including every single bit of Evil in the universe, and compressed into one singular being. Yes, I know, the thought makes me wet my pants, too.

~Gamer Arkhalax commenting on the Director

in the Battle of Alphonse Keep


The Director is the undisputed leader of all of Faction 13. Debatably the first of the beings that make up Faction 13, the Director is the manifestation and heart of all Evil in the universe. He is virtually immortal and indestructible and those that rebel against him don't even leave a trace of their existence behind when they are destroyed. Nobody knows the Director's real name. Some say it is unspeakable even by Faction 13's highest Executives. There is only one Director.

Existing Directors: Quicumque est Malum (~Lord Davok~)

Notes: Quicumque est Malum isn't the Director's real name, but the name humans call him. Quicumque est Malum is Latin for "All that is Evil"



"Yes, I am a Producer. Yes, I'm the one who keeps you little meatbags busy fighting a pointless battle against our most illustrious organization. Why don't you just gives up? For all the meat in your skulls, you can't even see a pointless fight?"

~QUI-1Z Quintus Armstrong, a Producer


In their billions of years of recruiting, breeding, growing and attacking Faction 13 sees a force of over twelve thousand of nigh-omniscient villains. Controlling all of these and planning them out in successful strike formations, manipulating them, and controlling them all seems nigh-impossible. That is a Producer's job. They are the Eyes, Ears and Arms of the Director. They are Faction 13's tacticians, generals, manipulators and leaders. They are second in command to the Director.

Existing Producers: Mortifer Piscator (Roxas), Solus Shade

Notes: Producers are usually in charge of the organization in the Director's absence and organize contests, large Role Plays, etc.



Fate is a road. Twisting it's way

Keeping up with it's hoard, having your say

is almost impossible with them in the way

They twist Fate, bind Fate, rip it apart

Making it a long way intended from the Start,

They intervene, cut out parts,

intended from the very Start,

they cause the deaths of empires and civilizations

they cause great trials and taxations,

they are the Evil, great and true,

Pawns we are, me and you

To them are our strings are held, ever true

Pawns we are, me and you

~Bronxor Rhapsodos, God of Fate


The villains are relentless. They have been revived, reused, revised, and recreated countless of times. They have constantly berated and weakened the heroes little by little. Some say it is repetitive. But the villains are all in reality, pawns of the Writers, the puppet masters of Faction 13. They cause events leading to the creation of the creation and reincarnation of villains to cause a chaos of blackness and evil wherever they stand. But they had unknowingly created heroes to fight back as well. So the Writers constantly fought in a battle of wits against the heroes, only discovering in frustration some of their subjects turning on them. Some even go so far as intervening personally. (Dread Tersythe for example) All in all, they will never give up.

Existing Writers: None as yet.

Notes: Writers usually critique role playing plots and help update and improve them with assistance from the author. They can create Main Organization Role Plays, also.


[spoiler=Member List]


Roxas (Producer)




Solus Shade (Producer)

X-31 Fighter

Eternal Zodiac

Supreme Gamemaster



I believe that is all I currently have to say. If you have any questions, PM me and I shall answer them in the best of my ability. Also, you may only be an Executive if I invite you and reserve you as such.


Now, let it begin.

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Me first!

Username: Frohawk

List of Role Plays you can list that you have participated(or participate)in: Practically all my posts are role play apps or role playing posts (besides the ones in in the groups I'm in of course), I have actually lost count, but I am in Digimon SDL III, DBZ the aftermath, SSB Eclispe, Lunastei and Randosseum, which I made, I was in Mystery Lord: Force of the Betrayed Masters, the 2 Harry potter threads Meti made, Yugioh Duel Academy: The 6 Deadly Beasts, this digimon rp (no title), and many others I don't have time to look up.

Skills that you Believe you have in Role Playing: (List any of the things that make you a good role player) Good at making charecters and plot twists, creative

Faults that you Believe you have in Role Playing: (List any of the things that you think you can improve on) not deatiled, can't think of many plot ideas until in the middle of the rp

Role Playing Example: (Make one up right on the spot. No pressure, you don't have to have it extremely long. Just try to make it as detailed as you can. Any scenario.) In a town without a name because it was too dorky, Frank was skipping buy whistling merrily. Eating a sandwich... that son of a jabroni. "Execute the plan" I whispered into the microphone. We emerged from our hiding spots and walked towards Fred, who was all by his lonesome. He realized what was going to happen and he screamed, they always did, and I personally don't blame him... For it is my duty to destroy all of those who oppresesed my kind for I am... Sargent Salami!! Leader of the Sandwich Army! Dedicated to stopping the evil of sandwich eaters wherever they may hide thier malicious faces!

Why you want to join: (Optional. Explain why you wanted to join this.) RP's are what I do, why wouldn't I join?


Can I be producer/writer, (place me where you think I should be, but I want to at least be a writer since I am really creative, or should I report you to Sargent Salami?)

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Username: Roxas

List of Role Plays you can list that you have participated(or participate)in: Digimon: Seven Demon Lords, Digimon: Final Revolution, and the Organization XIII series.

Skills that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Grammar.

Faults that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Maybe making shorter posts and not having more unique characters.

Role Playing Example:



Zurosis stood proudly above his throne. After three, maybe even four hundred years, he had finally become not only a Vasto Lorde, but the Primera Espada serving his Lord Sosuke Aizen. Zurosis was not a proud individual that would boast about such an achievement, but he has proud enough to know that he would enjoy this new status.


But then there was that one Shinigami, the Vizard. No, he no longer had to worry about him anymore. Zurosis knew the power behind his Resureccion, and it was far more than enough to wipe out his true enemy forever.


A lowly Numero appeared through a Garganta in front of Zurosis. The Arrancar was dressed in a sleeveless, but otherwise standard uniform.

"Milord," the Arrancar began. "Lord Aizen wishes to speak with you."


Zurosis nodded, and with a swish of Sonido, threw the Arrancar through the wall.

"Sorry about that." Zurosis said to the newly-formed gaping hole in the wall. Zurosis knew that he had killed the Numero, but he did not care. After all, Aizen could just create more.



Why you want to join: Seems like fun.



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Username: HarbingerEvil

List of Role Plays you can list that you have participated(or participate)in: Gaia Ultima: War of ADAM (my own role-play, the only one I am still in, will join more soon though.

Skills that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Length, Characters, Plot

Faults that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Description (just need a little more, I am already pretty descriptive.

Role Playing Example:

[spoiler= Example]


He had botched it... again. Another job ruined by his clumsy stubby fingers. Another shining example of the ineptitudes he always heard the other talk about.

"Well, they'll sure talk more now..."

He knew they wouldn't like this, thankfully it wasn't too big of an assignment. It would probably mean a March though. Oh well, the Marches weren't so bad. They just had to trot around in the mud, yelling the slogan until the Chief's had enough.

"Lark'll be ready to have my head."

Oh god, Lark... The superior he wished he never had, one of those people who seemed to scum everything he touched, the absolute worst Chief in the League. Always sneering and jeering at his underlings, never giving them a moment's rest. They walked when he felt like walking, they slept when he felt like sleeping, they watched him drink until he couldn't drink anymore. What a guy...

He knew Lark would blow a gasket, kicking and screaming, thowing another one of his oh-so-frequent tantrums. It wouldn't be pleasant, but it didn't matter, he knew he was big enough to take Lark if it came to blows. Lark may have been powerful, but in a fist fight, he sure was weak.

Still, he wasn't looking forward to going home.



Why you want to join: To create good roleplays and expand my knowledge.

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[spoiler=Application]Username: Aeon


List of RPs: Organization XII Series, Brief Bleach Series. OFF YCM: Crack Rps on Drift, upcoming positions in paret 6 of the Organization XIII series. Setsuwa Series (Setsuwa Majikku). Dozens of Spoken RPs with friends.


Role-Playing Skills: Creativity, descriptiveness, Grammar, Plot design, character development


Role-Play Faults: Over-Assumption (assuming people will go along with my ideas), ocassional overuse of the same word, tendency to be controlling.



[spoiler=RP Example]RP Example: She crossed her arms lazily across her chest as her eyes swept back and forth across the Island. So, this was Duel Academy. The island she was supposed to be spending the next few years or so at, playing a Card Game of all things. Honestly.


Sighing, she uncrossed her arms and hoisted up her nearby bag - to think, she would go so far simply for financial benefits and free living arrangements. Now, she had to go on and learn how to play a game everyone would assume she already knew how to play. A game she happened to think was ridiculous. Joy.


Well, a free roof was a free roof.


Rina Amehana, From Yu-Gi-Oh LV, an RP performed in about a year ago.


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Username: (Your username) Aelsthla-Mental


List of Role Plays you can list that you have participated(or participate)in: Uuhh... None really...


Skills that you Believe you have in Role Playing: (List any of the things that make you a good role player) I like to think of myself as an ideas person, thinking of creative things to do. I do admit defeat mainly in RPs, although too easily may lead to more of a weakness.


Faults that you Believe you have in Role Playing: (List any of the things that you think you can improve on) Not the most descriptive writer/RPer, but I try to keep it above a line or two. Grammar and punctuation could use help, but my spelling is pretty good.


[spoiler=Role Playing Example:] (Make one up right on the spot. No pressure, you don't have to have it extremely long. Just try to make it as detailed as you can. Any scenario.) 'Damn it,' He murmured.

The creature circled him, it's breath visible in the wintry chill of the night. A simple glance would tell you why the man seemed frightened. The creature was wolf-like in appearance, it's skin a navy blue and it's teeth long and sharp. What a glance wouldn't tell you is that the navy fur was like armor, able to resist the sharpest blades around. Not to mention it's eyes; while you could tell they were the eyes of a killer, had a weak hypnotic effect that had been the death of many a man who had stared at them and lost themselves, followed soon after by their head.


The man's green eyes tried hard to gaze at the creatures legs calmly pacing around him. He dared not look into it's eyes. Several days without food and only a thimble of water meant he would be easy prey for that hypnotic stare. His blade was at his side held in two hands, it was a toss up whether it would be in time to block if the creature lunged, and the blade couldn't pierce it anyway.


perhaps the creature realized this, for while it could have kept on circling until the man died, it grew impatient and lunged. At the same moment, the man swung the blade.




With a fraction of a second to spare, the flat of the blade struck the wolf in the snout with as much force as the man could muster. It's skin could resist piercing, but not so much for impacts, the impact sent it down with a yelp. As it tried to get up the man jumped onto it, gripping it's neck in a stranglehold.


Snarling, the creature struggled. Both of them to the brink of death already, both with adrenaline running in their veins.


In the end, with a final attempt at a bloodcurdling howl, but merely giving out a whimper, the creature went limp.




Why you want to join: (Optional. Explain why you wanted to join this.) Been wanting to create an RP, didn't know where to begin. Could think of a story but starting it up felt a bit... weird, never did it. Figured doing something like this would give me what i needed. So yeah...


Probably want to go writer, but of course I'd have to be invited to become an executive... So I guess i start here.

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Username: Roxas

List of Role Plays you can list that you have participated(or participate)in: Digimon: Seven Demon Lords' date=' Digimon: Final Revolution, and the Organization XIII series.

Skills that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Grammar.

Faults that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Maybe making shorter posts and [b']not having more unique characters.[/b]

Role Playing Example:



Zurosis stood proudly above his throne. After three, maybe even four hundred years, he had finally become not only a Vasto Lorde, but the Primera Espada serving his Lord Sosuke Aizen. Zurosis was not a proud individual that would boast about such an achievement, but he has proud enough to know that he would enjoy this new status.


But then there was that one Shinigami, the Vizard. No, he no longer had to worry about him anymore. Zurosis knew the power behind his Resureccion, and it was far more than enough to wipe out his true enemy forever.


A lowly Numero appeared through a Garganta in front of Zurosis. The Arrancar was dressed in a sleeveless, but otherwise standard uniform.

"Milord," the Arrancar began. "Lord Aizen wishes to speak with you."


Zurosis nodded, and with a swish of Sonido, threw the Arrancar through the wall.

"Sorry about that." Zurosis said to the newly-formed gaping hole in the wall. Zurosis knew that he had killed the Numero, but he did not care. After all, Aizen could just create more.



Why you want to join: Seems like fun.




I make many unique characters, so I can try and help you on that part Roxas, who knows maybe you can make one as good as Private Pepperjack of the cheese army, spicy division, second platoon!

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[spoiler=Application]Username: Solus Shade


List of Role Plays you can list that you have participated(or participate)in: All Organization XIII Role-Plays, The Great War


Skills that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Illustrious posts, elaborate descriptions, and grammar


Faults that you Believe you have in Role Playing: Arrogance, and over exaggeration


[spoiler=Role Playing Example]Down the rusty, winding, and bloodily cold stairs, numerous bodies lie stacked in great numbers, decaying amongst the sulfuric atmosphere which once housed a noble family. After many centuries, Lord Davok still punishes the unworthy in his torturous dungeon for their crimes and sins, sucking their exuberant lives from beneath their flesh.



Why you want to join: I was invited to join via PM, and I'd like to improve my skills with a challenging and upstanding organization of role-playing.



~The Sargent

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I'm still waiting for Supreme Gamemaster. After he and maybe a few more members join, then we may begin our first Role Play.


@HarbingerEvil: Ooooh, NeoEarth/Techno world war? Me likey. I'll be budging it in somewhere between the times of the Hierarchy invasion and Human-Covenant war.




[spoiler=Faction 13, from Top to Bottom]

Director: Quicumque est Malum, said to be born from the very primeval atom that burst into life and created the universe. Originally a small speck in the celestial universe, with the collection of malice and evil (such as magyk) attracting itself to him like moths to a flame. Eventually, because such a small being cannot possibly contain such energy, he combusted and formed a sentient galaxy, the nexus of all evil. Can also transform into other beings, as well.

Executive Producer: Malum Uterus, literally meaning "Evil's Wound", Malum is the closest any existing being can get to the Director. Malum was one of the many Gods that sprang from the celestial lights of creation, but was more ambitious than the rest of the Gods. Banished from the Gods' "workshop", Malum and two other Gods were left to wander alone in this new universe. Finally Malum came across the sentient galaxy that is Quicumque est Malum and, curious of it, entered the galaxy despite the protests of his two comrades. The evil energies emanating from the evil galaxy transformed him, and beckoned his two friends into it. They were transformed as well, and so the first stable evil was formed.

First Producer: Mortifer Piscator, the "Deadly Fisherman" was one of Malum Uterus' comrades who were banished from the Gods Workshop and sent to wander around the universe. One of Malum's closest friends, Mortifer was cruel and curious and was the first who yielded to Malum's beckoning. Mortifer is extremely manipulative and his name, the "Deadly Fisherman" is something that many souls have feared and regretted.

Second Producer: Porro Mortuus Furta (the "Long Dead Trick{ster}) wasn't as Piscator or Uterus. But he simply infuriated the Gods so much that he was banished along with his two friends to wander the universe. He was the only one hesitant to Malum's beckoning, and the Director bumped him down to Second Producer.




I'll update it soon. Just too much work at the moment. Were talking like a couple dozen characters here. T_T

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