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Any way for me to learn how to battle competitively


I would suggest Shoddy Battle or reading up on stuff at smogon.com

This. Shoddy helps you learn by doing. Smogon gives you all the tech stuff and how to make everything good on papar.


[align=center]All Lvl.100' date=' I need opinions.


[img']http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/plmfa/467.png[/img] 407.png243.png

242.png130.png [undecided]



My revised team. Blissey and Magmortar have permanent spots on this team.[/align]

Get a Steel type. Empoleon, Metagross, and Jarachi all work.

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@FD copious amounts of Steel are good. Especially since Metagross, Skarm, and Heatran all have numerous resistances due to typing. I do want a bulky Dragon like a Mence in there, but I can't find something to replace.


@Gamble, Magmortar is absolute garbage and I cannot stress this enough. He is highly outclassed by every other special attacking Fire Type in everything except movepool. Magmortar is amazing in NU, but only NU. Infernape and Heatran both have better typing and don't have a SR weakness. In addition, Magmortar is not a good lead at all. Likewise, Roserade is better suited for a suicide lead since it is very frail. Your team also lacks any fast revenge killer. Physical attackers can really tear through your team. Gyarados is the only thing stopping Lucario while Salamence can laugh at your team. DDTar, although rare, can also destroy your team. I suggest using a scarfRachi to fix this hole.

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf

4 Hp/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe


Serene Grace


Iron Head

Ice Punch

Fire Punch



HUGE EDIT. Since you posted before me. New team looks better but still lacks a Steel or a Dragon for the resistances. Suicune and Celebi fix the physical holes but there are still problems. There is still a large lack of Revenge Killing in that team. There are also 2 SR weaks and 5 Pokes vulnerable to Spikes/Toxic Spikes. Defensively this team is good, but it leaves alot to be desired offensively. I still suggest the above Jirachi over Gyarados and changing Magmortar to SOMETHING decent. Like Heatran. Or Infernape. Or even Aerodactyl.


Another problem worth noting is the lack of Physical attacks. There's like Gyara with it's SR weakness. Everything else uses Special Attacks.

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Any way for me to learn how to battle competitively?


PM me' date=' and I can teach you. :3


As for Gamble, which is why I came here...


[i']changing Magmortar to SOMETHING decent[/i]


lol, Magmortar isn't horribad, IMO. I tried a gimmick set with SubSalac, Max SpA and Flamethrower, something else and Focus Blast. Didn't do amazing, but I got a few kills in.


For those of you who want to know, he is running a Calm Mind/Surf/Ice Beam/Sub Suicune, possibly with a shitload of DEF EVs, so it'll act as a mixed wall and Special Attacker. I love that set.


If you don't want to replace your Maggy, I'd assume getting rid of Gyara and adding Metagross would be a nice idea.


Resistant to SR, adds some defensive typing, pretty good Physical attacker. And Bullet Punch makes up for lack of revenge killing.


And I don't see a lead on that team.


Also, the bishes at Smogon moved my Porygon2 down to NU. So whenever I battle on WiFi, people ask why I'm using Porygon2. Hell, someone asked if it was NFE. But dumbasses don't realize their Gyarados and Salamence are uselses when I have my cute little robot.

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Also' date=' the bishes at Smogon moved my Porygon2 down to NU. So whenever I battle on WiFi, people ask why I'm using Porygon2. Hell, someone asked if it was NFE. But dumbasses don't realize their Gyarados and Salamence are uselses when I have my cute little robot.


I love people that think that just because a pokemon isn't OU means it can't be used in OU.


I remember beating an OU team with a team of UU pokemon. That is another reason why I love not using many of the up OU pokemon.




Most of those movesets work like s*** for me. I refer to them' date=' but I never stick to them.


If we were to give you move sets it would come from smogon.

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So I got a nice little Jirachi today from Gamestop. =3 He has some Draco Meteor~


I want to make a gimmick set out of that, I really do. Like, mixed attacker extraordinare. With Draco Meteor, Iron Head... I have no idea where I am going with this. T_T

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Any way for me to learn how to battle competitively?


PM me' date=' and I can teach you. :3


As for Gamble, which is why I came here...


[i']changing Magmortar to SOMETHING decent[/i]


lol, Magmortar isn't horribad, IMO. I tried a gimmick set with SubSalac, Max SpA and Flamethrower, something else and Focus Blast. Didn't do amazing, but I got a few kills in.


For those of you who want to know, he is running a Calm Mind/Surf/Ice Beam/Sub Suicune, possibly with a shitload of DEF EVs, so it'll act as a mixed wall and Special Attacker. I love that set.


If you don't want to replace your Maggy, I'd assume getting rid of Gyara and adding Metagross would be a nice idea.


Resistant to SR, adds some defensive typing, pretty good Physical attacker. And Bullet Punch makes up for lack of revenge killing.


And I don't see a lead on that team.


Also, the bishes at Smogon moved my Porygon2 down to NU. So whenever I battle on WiFi, people ask why I'm using Porygon2. Hell, someone asked if it was NFE. But dumbasses don't realize their Gyarados and Salamence are uselses when I have my cute little robot.


Gimmick sets are gimmicky for a reason. It's the same purpose as a bluff move set such as Scizor with Muscle Band. It has a shock and awe factor, but unless the shock is placed at the right time, it flops. Magmortar is my main Special Sweeper in NU, but I prefer Latias and Jolteon in OU since they have ridiculous speed.


@Gamble, On sets I would recommend an alternate Metagross spread to outspeed other Metagrosses and 2HKO them.


Metagross @ Lum Berry

Clear Body


200 HP/ 232 Atk/ 32 Spe/ 44 SpD


Meteor Mash


Bullet Punch

Stealth Rocks


Does work against most leads, Infernape and Tran are problematic as are Swamperts and Gliscors. But Azelf, Aerodactyl, Roserade, Smeargle, Ninjask, Metagross, Scarfloom, etc. are all handled well. It also is really bulky and can come in later in the game.


Nape should be a bog standard Physical bias MixNape since it works and fills up holes in your team.


Standard Raikou works, but having a Tinkerbelle Celebi can mindfuck people and pull of surprise kills and generally do damage.


However, I still think you should change Blissey into something else. 90% of the time Blissey is set-up fodder, or tricked a scarf, or generally raped at least in my shoddy experience.


Also, defensively, Bug is only resisted by Nape and Ground is only resisted by Celebi. A bulky Flyer will really help out here. SubRoost Zapdos is fairly specially bulky and can help stall out your opponent which works nicely with your choice of walls. However, I would switch Metagross to a Roserade for TSpikes support if you go with Zapdos since you can really get some semi-stall sheet going on and then sweep with Raikou.


On another note, OU's are good for a reason. Many have large movepools and/or good stats. Although many non-OU's can work in OU, they must be specifically tailored to their position. For example, P2 was moved to NU, since in order to counter Gyara and Mence, it must be specifically EV'd for that and thus becomes a anti-meta card better suited for the side deck than being played since Gyara is falling in popularity.


On a third note, everyone and their dog is naming their Mence "BadRoMence" Let's make something better. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!

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