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Official Pokemon Discussion. (The 5th gen starts now)

Flame Dragon

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I don't find either Staraptor or Breloom that good.


So you suck at Pokemon? I thought so. You officialy are bad at Pokemon' date=' this statement is probably the worst most stupid thing you could possibly say.


Hey! It's an opinion, ever heard of one? It's when you state something that's not fact, but what you think of a concept. Staraptor and Breloom both failed me in the Battle Factory. Wouldn't that make me think they're bad Pokemon?


Plus, I OHKO'd a Breloom in the Battle Factory with Ariel Ace.

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I don't find either Staraptor or Breloom that good.


So you suck at Pokemon? I thought so. You officialy are bad at Pokemon' date=' this statement is probably the worst most stupid thing you could possibly say.


Hey! It's an opinion, ever heard of one? It's when you state something that's not fact, but what you think of a concept.


An opinion is a belief that is not proven true, thus, you are correct in stating that you stated an opinion, Felix is just pointing out that your concept is so horrible wrong that it's sad.


Staraptor and Breloom both failed me in the Battle Factory.

Battle Factory =/= Metagame


Wouldn't that make me think they're bad Pokemon?


If you thought for one moment that the Battle Factory is a good test of pokemon, then the above statement is justified and you are an idiot.


Plus, I OHKO'd a Breloom in the Battle Factory with Ariel Ace.


Because it's 4x weak to Flying. I OHKO'd a Gyarados with Cresselia, does that make Gyara bad? I OHKO'd a Scizor with a Chimchar, does that make Scizor bad and Chimchar good?

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if nobody has answered this question yet

the G/S remakes are called Soul Silver and Heart Gold.

now onto more recent topics.


I don't find either Staraptor or Breloom that good.


So you suck at Pokemon? I thought so. You officialy are bad at Pokemon' date=' this statement is probably the worst most stupid thing you could possibly say.


Hey! It's an opinion, ever heard of one? It's when you state something that's not fact, but what you think of a concept. Staraptor and Breloom both failed me in the Battle Factory. Wouldn't that make me think they're bad Pokemon?


Plus, I OHKO'd a Breloom in the Battle Factory with Ariel Ace.


not sure what to say in this little fight.

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if nobody has answered this question yet

the G/S remakes are called Soul Silver and Heart Gold.

now onto more recent topics.

We're not stupid.


At least' date=' most of us aren't....:(



umph attatude i just tryed to clear something that i thought haddent been cleared by anyone on this thread.

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if nobody has answered this question yet

the G/S remakes are called Soul Silver and Heart Gold.

now onto more recent topics.

We're not stupid.


At least' date=' most of us aren't....:(



umph attatude i just tryed to clear something that i thought haddent been cleared by anyone on this thread.

I posted the names of the two games a long time ago. Hell I posted it back when that info was only less then a day old.

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I don't find either Staraptor or Breloom that good.


So you suck at Pokemon? I thought so. You officialy are bad at Pokemon' date=' this statement is probably the worst most stupid thing you could possibly say.


Hey! It's an opinion, ever heard of one? It's when you state something that's not fact, but what you think of a concept. Staraptor and Breloom both failed me in the Battle Factory. Wouldn't that make me think they're bad Pokemon?


Plus, I OHKO'd a Breloom in the Battle Factory with Ariel Ace.


lololololol, so my Breloom sweeping your whole team meant nothing? Do I need to post the reasons why these guys are gods of their tiers?

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I don't find either Staraptor or Breloom that good.


So you suck at Pokemon? I thought so. You officialy are bad at Pokemon' date=' this statement is probably the worst most stupid thing you could possibly say.


Hey! It's an opinion, ever heard of one? It's when you state something that's not fact, but what you think of a concept. Staraptor and Breloom both failed me in the Battle Factory. Wouldn't that make me think they're bad Pokemon?


Plus, I OHKO'd a Breloom in the Battle Factory with Ariel Ace.


lololololol, so my Breloom sweeping your whole team meant nothing? Do I need to post the reasons why these guys are gods of their tiers?


You gotta' love Breeloom


Felix, I would battle you myself(and probobly lose, but oh well) but my Pokemon are only like 60-ish, nowhare near combat teir ^^;

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I don't find either Staraptor or Breloom that good.


So you suck at Pokemon? I thought so. You officialy are bad at Pokemon' date=' this statement is probably the worst most stupid thing you could possibly say.


Hey! It's an opinion, ever heard of one? It's when you state something that's not fact, but what you think of a concept. Staraptor and Breloom both failed me in the Battle Factory. Wouldn't that make me think they're bad Pokemon?


Plus, I OHKO'd a Breloom in the Battle Factory with Ariel Ace.


lololololol, so my Breloom sweeping your whole team meant nothing? Do I need to post the reasons why these guys are gods of their tiers?

You seem to forget that Star is in the BL tier so he's either god of UU or ant on OU.


Still Star is a great pokemon and I now want to make another team.


Good god I have to many I don't even know what is on some of them.

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I know he's in boderline but I was going to evalute on the pain he was putting down while he was UU before they hastily moved it. He's still pretty sweet in OU though; STAB CB Bravebird is win.


EDIT: Anybody planning on being involved in the Smogon tour?


EDIT2: OK, I went back a few posts to see what the nature for Tekken's Zam was supposed to be and I came across this.


Giga Drain bad? 180 power + STAB + Big Root = OH SNAP!


Were you high? Gigadrain is 60 power, stab makes it 90 and big root is a bad item. Please stop doing things like this.

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I know he's in boderline but I was going to evalute on the pain he was putting down while he was UU before they hastily moved it. He's still pretty sweet in OU though; STAB CB Bravebird is win.


EDIT: Anybody planning on being involved in the Smogon tour?

I'll have to see. I just made another new team, so if you want to see it...


I want to, but odds are I won't.

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Do you have a new user' date=' I can't see you. And my stupid computer won't let me look at the spoiler:/



Made an alt account to play with my new, joke, team. That sucks.


About to send challenge


Stupid shoddy is getting massive lag


Some other time I guess


Also what happened with Umbreon is by using: Toxic + Protect + Wish I killed like 4, 5 pokemon.


The only pokemon that could have killed me, Monchamp, the 4 armed dude, didn't have a Fighting move so he could kill me

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