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Official Pokemon Discussion. (The 5th gen starts now)

Flame Dragon

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IMO, the acc boost isn't really helpful. Not to mention only 1 move actually benefits from it. Really, at 85% you'll miss some of the time but the power boost other items can give you is hard to pass up. Not to mention you can use Overheat for some what better Acc and a massive attack boost, especially with Specs. And who cares if your attack drops since your going to want to switch out after you attack anyway.

Wise Lens doesn't boost accuracy FYI

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Wise Lens doesn't boost accuracy FYI

That's because I thought you were talking about Wide Lens. D and S are next to each other and since Wise Lens doesn't exist so I thought you mistyped.


Your talking about Wise Glasses and really, as said Life Orb is just better. It's a frail pokemon so it's unlikely to take more then 2 hits to kill it. And again, Choice Specs is MUCH better since you get a much bigger boost for a pokemon that's going to be using it an run strategy anyway.



What's the Current Tier 0 team?

There is none. However the tier lists should have been updated at some point so I'll do that when the June list comes out.

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Does anybody here have hacked pokemon that they are willing to trade? I've spent too many hours trying to get my team (coming up on 242 hours), and I really just want to get it over with.


If anybody could help, that'd be very helpful.


PS: The pokemon I want in case you have them and just want to trade anyways

- Shiny Heatran (naive or timid nature) or non-Shiny

- Shiny Starmie (timid nature with natural cure ability)

- Shiny Celebi (bold nature) or non-Shiny

- Shiny Scizor (technician with adamant nature)


I'm also not sure if I should be posting this here.

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Does anybody here have hacked pokemon that they are willing to trade? I've spent too many hours trying to get my team (coming up on 242 hours), and I really just want to get it over with.


If anybody could help, that'd be very helpful.


PS: The pokemon I want in case you have them and just want to trade anyways

- Shiny Heatran (naive or timid nature) or non-Shiny

- Shiny Starmie (timid nature with natural cure ability)

- Shiny Celebi (bold nature) or non-Shiny

- Shiny Scizor (technician with adamant nature)


I'm also not sure if I should be posting this here.


I never saw the purpose of Shiny Pokemon, using those pretty much guarantees to your opponent to you cheated.


For my Pokemon, I go out and catch Dittos, using Abra's from the Game Corner for whatever nature I want. After a day, I have several good natured Dittos with high IVs. Or if you're lazy, you can ask someone to hack all IV Dittos for whatever nature you want and breed with that. Or you can RNG manipulate, which is really complicated, but legal.

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Does anybody here have hacked pokemon that they are willing to trade? I've spent too many hours trying to get my team (coming up on 242 hours), and I really just want to get it over with.


If anybody could help, that'd be very helpful.


PS: The pokemon I want in case you have them and just want to trade anyways

- Shiny Heatran (naive or timid nature) or non-Shiny

- Shiny Starmie (timid nature with natural cure ability)

- Shiny Celebi (bold nature) or non-Shiny

- Shiny Scizor (technician with adamant nature)


I'm also not sure if I should be posting this here.

I can make the code and pokemon legitimate but you'll need someone with an ARDS.

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If you get it with an AR, it's not legitimate. I don't care if the data is the same, it's not legit.


OT: I've finally got back into playing Pokemon, so I'll be training an OU Team so I can actually start playing competitively. If anyone wants to battle, let me know.

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I never saw the purpose of Shiny Pokemon, using those pretty much guarantees to your opponent to you cheated.


Aye, I traded online for level 1 shiny pokemon with good natures, and... no one thinks I did it without cheating. i'm working on phasing out the shinies, except for Arcanine. Just one UU shiny on a team would be acceptable, I think...

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Okay, so I'm going off-topic but this was mass nostalgia elite four in Pokemon Firered:

Starting team was:

Raichu, 48, Thunderbolt, Brick Break, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack

Blastoise, 47, Surf, Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Return

Dragonair, 47, Dragon Rage, Surf, Thunder Wave, Flamethrower

Kadabra 48, Psychic, Shock Wave, Recover, Psybeam

Pidgeout, 48, Fly, Double Edge, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace

Nidoking, 48, Strength, Megahorn, Earthquake, Shadow Ball



Start at Lorelei and Raichu uses Thunderbolt to Dewgong's Hail, KOs with Thunderbolt next turn.

She sends Cloyster, KO with 1 thunderbolt.

Goes to Slowbro, thunderbolt, uses yawn, thunderbolt to faint it, Raichu grows to 49.

She uses Jynx, so I switch to Pidgeot and Steel Wing critically.

She goes for Lapras, and Raichu's double thunderbolt gets it to about 1/5 health, still enough Yellow that Lorelei won't use a Full Restore

Raichu faints from Ice Beam, so I switch to Pidgeot and and Double Edge for the win.


I had 3 revives and 2 Max revives, I blew all my money on getting a flamethrower, ice beam, and shadow ball tm that I literally had like 100 Poke left. I use revive on Raichu and heal Pidgeout with a Super Potion and use a Hyper on Raichu.


Switch Blastoise to front and KO onix with surf

Switch to Kadabra for Hitmonchan. Uses Psychic and brings it to red, then gets slowed by a Rock Tomb. I use psychic again because Bruno full restore'd during the same turn. Then hitmonchan uses Sky Uppercut but misses and I finish it with Psybeam.

Keep Kadabra. Hitmonlee uses facade on my slowed Kadabra.

Goes into Pidgeout and uses Fly to bring it half health. Lee used Mega Kick but Pidgeot goes into yellow and survives.

Fly again, I was really hoping on it using High Jump Kick during this whole time.

KOs it

I keep Pidgeot and use Fly on Machamp for his foresight. Goes into about 2/3 health and Machamp uses Cross Chop to faint my Pidgeot. =(

I go into Raichu and get off a Thunder Bolt to get him into yellow. He uses cross chop again and faints Raichu.

Switch to Nidoking, uses Earthquake to get him into red. Machamp uses cross chop and criticals so Nidokings at about half health

Uses Earthquake again because Machamp got Full Restore'd. Gets to 2/3 health.

Machamp cross chops again and gets Nidoking to red. Next turn, I use earthquake and get Machamp to 1/3. Machamp uses its last cross chop and faints Nidoking. I THINK IT IS UTTER BS THAT ALL 5 CROSS CHOPS HIT

I go into Blastoise and faint Machamp with a nice little surf. I surf onix too and win.

(NOTE: I probaly should have re-done this battle so I didn't use all my revives, but I saved anyway)


Now I'm out of revives as I revive and get my whole team to full health. Note at this point all I have left is 4 Full Restores, a Full Heal, and 4 Max Potions, and 2 Elixirs


I open Agatha with Kadabra and defeat the first Gengar. Then Psychic on golbat too. Then I switch to Nidoking and earthquake her Arbok.

(Note; I had given Nidoking a Chesto Berry because he had trouble when I had played Agatha before and she won't switch to a Haunter and troll if Nidoking holds something for some strange reason)

Iron tail gets Nidoking pretty close to half but still at green. Earthquake again for the win.

Used Kadabra's Psychic on Haunter, really easy.

Gengar was a total lucksack. I knew Kadabra would die easily so I sent out Nidoking.


Gengar uses Hypnosis and misses. Nidoking uses Shadow Ball and gets a little less than half away.

Gengar uses Hypnosis and hits, Nidoking awakens with Chesto and hits Gengar to red.

Agatha uses full restore, I use Shadow Ball

Gengar uses Hypnosis, miss. Shadow Ball

Gengar uses Hypnosis and misses. Nidoking wins with Shadow Ball.


(Note; I had to do this several times before getting through without fainting)




I healed Nidoking with my max potion, proceed to save before Lance.


Start with Raichu and KO gyarados

I switch to Kadabra and use Psychic on Dragonair to get it to half. Dragonair uses Hyper Beam and kills Kadabra, I switch to Blastoise

Blastoise finishes Dragonair with Ice Beam.

Switch to Nidoking with 2nd Dragonair. Dragonair's Hyper Beam got Nidoking close to red, but still at yellow. 2nd Earthquake finishes Dragonair #2 off.

I switch to Pidgeot for Dragonite, and I use Double Edge, about a fourth damage.

Dragonite uses Outrages, Pidgeot is left with 10HP. I decide to KAMIKAZE Double Edge and bring Dragonite to less than half health.

Switch to Blastoise, Dragonite is confused. It used Outrage (because literally, Dragonite never gets hurt by confusion >.<)

Blastoise used Ice Beam and it faints. YAY!!!!!

Switch to Raichu for Aerodactyl

gets to 1/3 health, but Aerodactyl was faster and used Ancientpower to hurt Raichu tons.

I switch to Nidoking and Aerodactyl uses Ancientpower on Nidoking, barely anything.

Aerodactyl then Hyper Beams Nidoking into oblivion.

I switch to Raichu and thunderbolt for game.




Now this leads a problem... I have no revives, and I only have Blastoise, 48, Dragonair, 47, and Raichu, 49, against a ton of LV58-63 pokemon. NOW READ HOW I LITERALLY WON ON MY FIRST TRY


Fully heal everything, Elixirs, all that grand stuff. So I set Raichu as first and here's how it went:


He brings out Pidgeot, I bring out Raichu.

He uses Aerial Ace, critical hit and gets Raichu past half health. I was literally thinking FML at that very moment.

Thunderbolt it. Next turn, he uses Aerial Ace again, Raichu survives and finishes Pidgeot.

He switch to Rhydon, I go Blastoise. Surf OK'd poor Rhydon.

Now he goes into Venusaur. I was literally thinking, "Oh crap, I don't have ANYTHING that can beat that!"

I decide to go into my unused Dragonair. Venusaur goes first and uses Sunny Day. I was overjoyed.

Dragonair used Flamethrower, getting Venusaur at 2/3

He uses Growth, I use Flamethrower again. Now he's at 1/3 WITH A BURN!!!

Burn drops it to red, but instead of restoring, he switches to Gyarados

I flamethrower it, regardless =(

I realize there's nothing Dragonair could do, so I used a Max Potion on Raichu.

Gyarados thrases, Dragonair survives.

I decide to use Thunder Wave on Gyarados, but Gyarados thrashes before Dragonair could. Now that I think about it, I shou've reversed what I had done, but it didn't matter.


Dragonair takes one for the team, I go into Raichu. Raichu thunderbolts and KOs Gyarados right off the bat.

Game says that Gary's going for Alakazam. I literally forgot he had Alakazam. I just thought, "Oh God, there's nothing left to do. He's going to FINISH ME!!!"


I keep Raichu. Since I knew Alakazam was infinity times faster than Raichu, I decide to use Thunder Wave.

Alakazam goes first and Psychic's Raichu. I thought it was over, but somehow Raichu survives. Synchronize paralyzes Raichu.


I use one of my full restores on Raichu, knowing that it would survive another Psychic.

Alakazam uses FUTURE SIGHT. WTF????

Raichu uses Thunder Bolt, 3/4 HP left.


Raichu does another 1/4, leaving 1/2 HP

Raichu gets hit with Future Sight, leaving Raichu it at 40HP

I sigh with relief. I use Thunderbolt again, putting Alakazam at 1/4 HP, still yellow, so no Full restore.


Thunderbolt FTW!!!!




Game says he's going to bring out Venusaur. I keep Raichu so he can use Thunder Wave if Gary Full Restores.

HOWEVER, during the end of the turn he brought it out, VENUSAUR FAINTS FROM THE BURN!!!!!






Best. Battle. Ever. I wish I had recorded it >.<

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Computers in Platinum freaking cheat. From Gardenia's constant critical hits to Wake's Gyarados getting a flinch EVERY FREAKING TIME IT USES BITE, to Volkner's sheer luck with inaccurate attacks.


I just needed to vent a little.


Also, @Vough - The end reminds me of my first fight against Rematch!Champion Gary. I had an Exeggutor out, Gary had an Arcanine. Our last pokemon. He uses... some move that leaves me at 28HP, and I use Psychic. The sandstorm from his Tyranitar comes back, kills Arcanine, and leaves me at 1HP. Then I won.

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Computers in Platinum freaking cheat. From Gardenia's constant critical hits to Wake's Gyarados getting a flinch EVERY FREAKING TIME IT USES BITE, to Volkner's sheer luck with inaccurate attacks.


I just needed to vent a little.


Also, @Vough - The end reminds me of my first fight against Rematch!Champion Gary. I had an Exeggutor out, Gary had an Arcanine. Our last pokemon. He uses... some move that leaves me at 28HP, and I use Psychic. The sandstorm from his Tyranitar comes back, kills Arcanine, and leaves me at 1HP. Then I won.


Probaly. They likely tweak it so that like 70% accuracy moves actually hit more often so they're not easy.

I think Gyarados had held a King's Rock in that game, not sure.


And I LURVE Rematch Gary. I had trained my party up to like LV70, then got bored and decided to PWN the elite four. When Lorelei sent out like a LV70 Dewgong I was like, "WTFYES!!!!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, kind of killed it.




I think I found the best team for Red/Green:









or something like that


Gengar can be Venusaur

Arcanine can be Charizard

Lapras can be Blastoise




Who has an AMAZING team for Soulsilver?

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I hate it when people call you out as a hacker and sh!t. It's called EV training and 31 IVs in every stat by breeding >_>

It's still hacking if you hacked to get that 31IV-in-every-stat-Ditto. Also, if memory serves correctly, you DO hack for some things.

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Guys, I feel dirty! aparent on GTS Trade I offered up my Boldore 4 another coz when it get traded it evolves int gilrath or suffin like that, two days ago I offered and TODAY WHAT DID I GET? A boldore....and i tapped my screen in excitement to see it EVOLVE ONLY to be sent back to the GTS menu so i checked the surmany of sed boldore and WHAT DID I FIND?!

IT was carrying a everstone, A F***ING EVERSTONE(to stop the evolvution of a pkm holding it). I GOT SCUMMED WTF?!

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