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Chaos Sorcerer: Still bannable in this meta?

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TER is not a 2-turn combo.


Here's how it is broken if Crab and Flame Dragon didn't make sense:


Instant Fusion > summon TER > eat monster > use TER to tribute summon something or to Synchro Summon Armory Arm (eg. TER + Psychic Commander) or a Level 5 Synchro (eg. Magical Android (TER + Rose, Warrior of Revenge))


I think I covered everything that needs to be covered. I would also say CCV food (if the monster it eats has low enough ATK) or DDV or EEV food (if the eaten monster has enough ATK) but those cards are banworthy too.


TER is very different from any other monster that can be summoned by Instant Fusion. It is more versatile than any other conceivable monster that can be summoned by Instant Fusion and not in a good-for-the-game way.

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