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Gorz the Emissary of Darkness [DISC]

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are you kidding me! just take damage and he can be summoned. in no way is that situational!


while you control no cards

That isn't that hard.


Meh I kinda find it hard to have no field, but then again my locals is WELL aware of Gorz and will purposely leave a card left just so you can Gorz or let you Gorz so they can kill it and be done with it.

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Gorz is a great, if slightly op'd card. I got it in the post from America this morning and nearly wet myself with utter disbelief and joy. Plus, if you're buying packs to get Gorz (lucky yankees XD) there are brilliant other cards in Dark Legends too. I also ordered some packs, and I got Exodia's legs! And Blast Sphere and Barrel Dragon!


Gorz is very OP'D but it adds a whole new deck theme and bluffing style to the mix. Get a standard OTK field-clearing strategy and let your opponent fire away at you. BANG! Gorz is in play, plus a brilliant Synchro Summoning token that has beatstick potential. And what if your opponent uses Dice Jar? Des Wombat, summon Gorz and deal 6000 damage to your opponent without even getting your hands dirty!


3 Gorz's would be hell unless you use a good spawning card like ojama trio or synthetic seraphim (highly underrated card that is). Token spawners could easily shut Gorz down because he isn't good at all without his ice cool effect. Without his effect, Gorz is worse than Segenjin.


Brilliant Card.

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