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Genesis War [Fallout RP, no Fallout knowledge required to join]


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OoC: Why is it you never look at her?




Agas: I just came to say hi, or is it illegal to do that anymore?




Vincent went back into the cave and walked upto some Deathclaws, he then began to talk to them, after he finished they rushed out of the cave, he gave an evil grin as they did.

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--It's like Edward and Bella from Twilight, get it?


Rokujo looked back, and said, "Never said you couldn't say hi, now did I?" Rokujo stood up, walked over to a pile of what appeared to be his weapons, and picked up his Diamond Blade. Around the case and hilt was some kind of strings and bandages, tying the hilt together with the case. He put it next to his waist, and grabbed his his small arms, the Ionic Lazer Pistol, set it to the pocket for guns on his right leg, and took his Custom Made AK-47, putting it on the back of him, and all that was left was his Mini-Rocket Launcher. He took it, and put near the bottom of his back, and walked towards the enterance. "If Auster asks where the hell I am, tell him this, 'I'm going through a living hell for a while'." And with that, Rokujo walked out.


--Soon Vincent, soon.

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Agas: Ok


Agas walked off to her wepon trunk, she opened it and put her handguns in it, she then pulled out a photo of her and her parents, she smiled and put it back in, she then grabbed a flare gun and took it, she also took her lazer targeted rifle, she then closed the trunk and wondered off into the desert, but before she left she said to Auster,


Agas: Me and Rokujo are going to kill some crap, we will come back when we get bored.......




Vincent was in the cave looking at the list of people that contained Miharu in there name, he then looked at the last name, Rokujo Miharu, he then thought to himself,


Vincent: You better be the one......

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-- Hold on guys... Whoa lets slow down here. As much as I love seeing funked up versions of Rokujo, that's not possible right now. Unless he has connections with the Enclave. And that's impossible.


Auster nodded and sat by the rock. He heard a howl in the distance. He got up and got his Xualong.

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Name: Zachary Doyle

Age: 24

Race(Super Mutant, Ghoul, Human): Human

Organization(Raiders, Mutants, Talon Company, Brotherhood of Steel, Enclave): Talon Company

Weapons(One melee, one small arms, one ranged, one heavy):

Melee Weapon: Two Handed Cleaver.

Small Arm Weapon: One Handed Crossbow.

Ranged Weapon: Sniper (never uses it)

Heavy Weapon: Rocket Launcher.

Appearance(Picture, or detail): human57.jpg

Bio(If I feel like your a good RPer, you do not have to do a bio, other than that, 1-2 paragraphs): Zachary lived with his parents until he almost got killed and his parents got killed. Immediatly after the death of his parents he joined the Talon Company, giving him more chances on killing the one or ones who destroyed his life. Until this very day he hasn't gained anything on who the killer is.

Personality(Couple of sentences): Serious, Ill Manered (If that is how you spell it), Cocky.

Other: He doesn't like to work together with others.

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