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Genesis War [Fallout RP, no Fallout knowledge required to join]


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As the Deathclaw fell dead the other Deathclaws tryed to scratch Auster but before they did Agas landed infront of Auster and shot the Deathclaws in the faces with her handguns, and because the bullets were Silver Nitrate, the bullets entered the Deathclaws blood stream and killed them instantly, Agas then turned around and faced Auster.

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Agas nodded, she looked back at one Deathclaw that was still alive but just wriggling on the floor, Agas walked over to it and put her boot on its chest to hold it down, she then reloaded one of her handguns and shot the Deathclaw in the head several times, eventually killing it, she then took out the empty ammo cartrages which had the initials of AC on them standing for Agas Constentine, she then shoved them in the Deathclaws mouths.


Agas: There, when Vincent comes back he will know ive been here.............

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Agas followed soon after she took the Brotherhood Palidins ammo and guns, she followed Wolf to the Citadel, but just as she got near, she turned back to look at the cliff, Vincent was standing there giving her a dead stare, he gave her a evil grin and she put her middle finger up at him, she then continued to walk towards the Citadel.

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After finishing his little slaughter at the building incident, Rokujo was at a table, leaning back, having his feet on the table, and looking like he was asleep.

Well, Rokujo had nothing to do, so he just did, whatever pretty much. He had no one to talk to, cause he doesn't socialize much, had no one to do whatever with him. He was lonely, about as lonely as the moon in the midnight sky. Cold and alone. That was how he was.

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Agas: Yeah im fine



Vincent walked into a dark cave dripping with radioactive waste, he then walks to the very end to a part filled with Deathclaws fighting, they were argueing over who was the strongest and who was the best to protect the queen, one of the Deathclaws eventually lashed out on Vincent, Vincent now filled with rage, drawed his sword and sliced the Deathclaw in half and as he did, all the other Deathclaws stopped and looked with him with there blood shot red eyes, he then looked at them with his dark blue ones, he then shouted,


Vincent: Your acting like a pack of ravid DOGS!, and that simply will not do, not if you expect to survive this war, now go shapen up and do what you Deathclaws do........


Vincent then walked through the Deathclaws and walked further on into the cave until he got to a circular cut out room, it had alive humans chained to the walls, some dead, Vincent then walked over to a super mutant taking some humans blood, Vincent then asked,


Vincent: Whats the outcome?

Super Mutant: Lets find out....


the super mutant then took the blood over to a beacker labeled Deathclaws Blood, he then poured the human blood into the beacker full of Deathclaw blood and mixed it around, the blood then turned black, the super mutant then looked back at Vincent and said,


Super Mutant: Negative...........


Vincent then began to hold back his anger, you could see that he was not happy, he then walked over to a list on the wall and crossed off the name: Rokujo Miharu


OoC: Many things i have to say:


1. Damn long post

2. Plot Twister!

3. What you think?

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OoC: I know, anyway, neither is Vincent losing, its gonna be a draw!, but i need Rokujos blood, but i won't capture him, i'll get it anouther way...............




Vincent walked back to were the Deathclaws used to be and put on his power armour, he then looked at this old photo of him and a man with power armour, he grinned and continued to walk on, he walked outside to look at the clouds covering the moon, he pulled out his sword and stabbed it in the ground, he then walked through the desert sands, he then came past radioactive water, he walked up to it to see his face in it, he sighed.


Vincent: Oh how times go..............

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Ooc: You will find out, its really good, and yay 4000 posts, i can fell my legend being unleashed!!!




Vincent then got back up, and walked back to the cave




Agas walked towards Rokujo, the sand and stones crunching underneath her boots, she eventually comes towards him and asks,


Agas: Sorry, but who are you, im Agas Constentine, sworn enemy of Vincent Corbinus

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Rokujo didn't bother looking at Agas, until he gave her a fraction of a second glance, and looked right back to where he was previously looking, and said, "Rokujo Miharu... Also known as the following Titles given to me, 'Geno Killer', 'Forsaken Fighter', and 'Twilight Warrior'. So, what do you want?"

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