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Watchmen [Movie]

Deity Marvel

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I don't know much about Watchmen. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of old comic with OP heroes in it (They'd kick Superman's @$$). The advert I saw looks really cool so I'd like to watch it but I don't have anybody to go with and I'm NOT going to go on my own.

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So I saw it at midnight, and first things first, it followed the comic almost to the dot. They took out the book in a book part but are adding it to the dvd. The sex scenes were needlessly long, and funny do to the fact that one had hallelujah playing in the back ground. Over all it was a good movie. Not for kids, too many shots of Dr. Manhattans you know what. But a must see for fans. Also they didn't really change the end much.

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Well I chose not to spoil anything, they did change the ending butit actually made more sence then thebook ending did. I think this proves something. It is possible to make really good super hero movies. This and the Dark Knight have been some of the only super hero movies in a while.

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