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OIPTP Join today

Liger Zero

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In the year 2012 there is an organization called OIPTP where there are highly skilled Spies, Bounty hunters, and Chasers. Their job is to prevent terrorism and kill anyone in their way. There is a man by the name of Auther Cole who is the top terrorist. Your mission is to find him, find out what he’s up to, and destroy him, but it wont be easy you will have to travel a lot, kill, and investigate.



Spy- A highly trained individual whose job is to find the secrets of the enemy.

Bounty Hunter- A highly trained individual whose main purpose is to search and destroy.

Chasers: A highly trained individual whose job is search and investigate.




Age (15-30)-

Bio (Optional)-


Male or Female-

Appearance (Pic or detail)-

Class (Spy, Bounty Hunter, or Chaser)-





No Spamming

No godmodding

No powerplaying

No bunnying

All other YCM rules apply.


Here is my app:

My Applications:

Name: Nevron

Age (15-30)- 19

Bio-Was once a held hostige to some terrorist and barly made it out alive.

Personality-Not to talkative

Male or Female-Male

Appearance (Pic or detail)- punk.jpg

Class (Spy, Bounty Hunter, or Chaser)- Spy

Weapon(s)- Anything he can pick up




Liger Zero-Nevron


Bounty Hunters:

The Dark Prince-The Phantom

Fenrir Herald-Dominic



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Name: Dominic

Age (15-30)- 20

Bio (Optional)- *Will be revealed in RP*

Personality- Sarcastic, wise, serious.

Male or Female- Male

Appearance (Pic or detail)- anime-guy.gif

Class (Spy, Bounty Hunter, or Chaser)- Bounty Hunter

Weapon(s)- Gauss energy rifle, 10mm pistol, sniper, random explosives.

Other- He likes to blow stuff up.

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Name: Nick Zero

Age (15-30)- 16

Bio (Optional)- Will be revealed later

Personality- Rash and willing to do anything to kill

Male or Female- Male

Appearance (Pic or detail)- at this link


Class (Spy, Bounty Hunter, or Chaser)- Bounty Hunter

Weapon(s)- Sword in pic, A bazooka, A lazer rifle, And a Flame thrower(on guntlent)


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Name: Nogarde Delrone

Age (15-30)- 22

Bio (Optional)-Will be Revealed later

Personality-quiet, patient, enjoys violence a little too much, very honourable

Male or Female- Male


Appearance - http://th06.deviantart.com/fs19/300W/f/2007/235/5/d/Demon_by_Emeraldus.png


Weapon(s)- 7-foot katana, dual short swords, two Glock 18's

Other-although hes only a chaser due to his taste for violence if hes done his job he'll kill any terrorist on sight unless ordered otherwise

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