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Dynasty Warriors Gundam (Started and still accepting)


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Since the DMC rp didn't work i'll try Gundam Dynasty Warriors.


Plot: A large meteor is headed for Earth. The planet's defense sent a Mobile Suit, The Musha 2 into space to destory the metor before it destorys the Earth. However, Hamon Karn and Glemmy Toto have other plans. The caputre the Musha 2 and reprogram it to help them let the metor hit the Earth. Different teams of gundam pilots has left Earth to combat this team and save their home planet.




Genre: good or bad

Chacater you wish to be



1. no spamming

2. no serious cursing, damn is ok

3. no flaming for rp skills

4. no godmodding

5. no so cheating

6. no quitting unless you have a good reason for it

(disobey the rules and receieve a beautifuly written neg rep)


(the same mobile suits will be used in the rp that are in the game, with the execption of 1)


Team 1- Good

Heero: Heero_Yuy

Duo: Galesonic

Master Asia: X-31 Fighter



Team 2- Good

Miliardo (Zechs): Enrise

Domon Kashu: Flurryxofxflames8



Team 3- Good



Amuro: Legend Zero


Team 4- Good





Team 5- Good

Puru 2:




Team 6- Bad





Team 7- Bad



Ramsus: Kaden the Dark


Team 8- Bad

Musha 2:




we'll start when 75 % of the positions are filled, if any postions are not filled some will get two, i'll take over them if no one wants them.

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--they've been PMed


(a meteor is headed towards the earth and earth scientists and enginiers have created a Mobile suit code named Musha 2, the Musha has been deployed and it's objective is to destory the meteor hurtling towards the earth, however there are some people who want to prevent this from happening) Haman: Glemmy, has the earth federation deployed the Musha 2?


Glemmy: yes lady Haman


Haman: good (an army of suits appear behind the Qubiley (i think that's how it's spelled) pilot) troops move foward, target the Musha 2 but don't destory, we want it in 1 peice (the mobile suits advance in the direction of the oncoming mobile suit)

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As Milliardo entered the cockpit of the Big Tray, the transportable home base of Domon Kashu, and his assisstant, Rain Mikamura, a little girl pilot known as Puru, and himself.

When he was at the door, he looked at Domon, and said, "Domon. You finished poloshing your Gundam? You're going to need it soon. Very soon I might add."

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