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Yugioh Ultima duel acadamy! ~Finished~ Part 2 has already started!


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Crystal watched AJ and Matt duel. This is proving to be pretty interesting. I've never seen this Matt guy duel before, she thought. He's an Obelisk Blue as well. She felt the two pendants in her pocket. Once this duel was over, she would have to give AJ one. Then it would leave her with the baffling question of who would recieve the other pendant she held.

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--i'll continue the duel when rapscallion comes back on


(AJ and Crystal are in class, Crystal is resting her head on AJ's shoulder although she was still awake, AJ was also beginning to nod off, he found it hard to keep his eyes open, Stayr was going on about how to make curry) AJ: i never knew curry could be so tiresome

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(OoC: I'm with flurry, don't spam or I'll give you a neg)


"By the way, here's one of the pendants Peter handed over to me," said Crystal. She took out of her pocket one of the rainbow pendants Peter had handed to her during her duel with the Phantom. "This can only protect us from the Phantom once before it breaks.


"Did you want to talk to me?"

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