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Yugioh Ultima duel acadamy! ~Finished~ Part 2 has already started!


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Meanwhile, elsewhere, Vent was in the middle of dueling another Slifer Red. But while the duel was in progress, the post man came by with a package. Vent already knew what was in the package and knew he had to take care of it right away. Since the duel had just barely begun, Vent called off the duel. "I'll get you next time." he called. Then Vent went to his dorm to open his parcel. The package was enclosed with a note written to him from his little sister. Ignoring it, Vent immediately ripped apart the cardboard and found a deck lying next to another note from his mother. He then read both letters while examining the deck.


Dear Vent,


I've sent you a deck to use while you're at school. I used some of Dad's old cards as well as my own. I hope you like it.


Little Sis





You may have recieved your sister's deck. Please use it. She put alot of thought into it. I know it may not be as good as your current deck, but you can always go to the shop and upgrade it. If you do use it, it will make your sister very happy.


Love Always,



Vent grumbled, He had no other choice. But considering it did have some good cards like Dad's Cyber-Tech Alligator and his sister's Guardian Angel Joan, he accepted it as his chosen deck. He then swapped the deck with the one in his Duel Disk and left out the door.

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While AJ and Peter were talking Matthias overheard them and came out of hiding.


"So you do know about the Phantom? I thought you might" He pauses for a second "So, you think mere duel energy is what he's after, I really dont know, but i'd want more, but hey, for all I know he's a friendly clown with gum for hair"


and for all I know AJ dosn't owe me a duel

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AJ: (draws) first i'll play pot of greed this allows me to draw 2 cards (draws his extra cards) next is the field spell Ancient City- Rainbow Ruins (the ruins surround both duelists) then i'll summon Crystal Beast Saphire Pegasus, and due to it's effect i can throw a CB (crystal beast) in my spell and trap zone (places Cobalt Eagle) then i'll activate Crystal Fossilazation, now i can send as many CB's as i want from my hand to my spell and trap zone (places Amber Mammoth and Emerald Tortise) now for the fun part, Pegasus attack his Behemoth! (any counters?)

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OoC: good idea setting the Field, I gotta do that.


Monsters - Twin Headed Behemoth (1500/1200)

S & T - N/A

Hand - 5


"I'll start by activating Heavy storm, destroying all your beasts and your Rainbow Ruins."


"Next i'll activate Foolish Burial to send Darkblaze Dragon to the grave from my Deck. Then I'll Summon Flame Ruler (1500/1600)"


"I'll also end my turn with a face-down card"


Monsters - Twin Headed Behemoth, Flame Ruler

S & T - 1 face-down

Hand - 3




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--sry, i'm doing other rp's as well


AJ: (draws) i'll activate Crystal Blessing (takes Mammoth and Eagle from the graveyard and places them in his spell and trap zone) then i'll activate Mystical Space Typhoon (destorys his face down) now i summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger, my beast's attack! (Pegasus targets Flame Lord, Tiger Targets Behemoth and Tiger gains 400 due to the effect)

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"time for my go, when you ended your turn, Twin Headed's effect kicked in and re-sommoned himself with (1000/1000). Now i'll lay a face-down card and activate Terraforming, which allows me to bring the Emporor's Mausoleum to my hand, now i'll play that and give up 1000 Life points and Twin Headed to summon Majestic Mech - Goryu.(2900/1800)


Now, Goryu, attack his Crystal Beat Topaz Tiger."


Monsters: Goryu

S & T: 1 face-down

Field: Mausoleum

Hand- none

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