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Blood Cannon Archetype

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Charge Monsters

Charge monsters are red, placed in your Extra Deck, and are Summoned with counters. When a condition is fulfilled, the Charge Monster gets 1 counter. When the Charge Monster has a certain amount of counters, you can Special Summon it from your Extra Deck.


Chain Monsters

Chain Monsters are grey and go into the Extra Deck. When a certain condition is fulfilled, you can Chain the Special Summoning of the Chain monster from your Extra Deck.


Anyways, the FIRE attribute Blood Cannon archetype concentrates on Anti-Meta and burn, and uses counters.


[spoiler=Volume 1]

Blood Cannon The Conqueror


Level 7

FIRE Attribute


When a your opponent Special Summons or adds a card to their hand outside of the Draw Phase with a card's effect, you can chain the Chain Summoning of this card to negate the effect, remove from play the card with the effect, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent's Life Points, and place 2 counters on this card Then apply one of these effects based on its card type:

  • Monster: You can remove 1 counter from this card to negate the Special Summoning of a monster, and shuffle the monster back into its owner's Deck.
  • Spell: You can remove 1 counter from this card to negate the effect of a card that adds cards to the opponent's hand, and shuffle it back into its owner's Deck.
  • Trap: You can remove 1 counter from this card to negate the effect of a card that removes a card from the field, and remove it from play.


Blood Cannon Darkblaster


Level 7

FIRE Attribute


When a "Blood Cannon" monster is Normal, Charge, or Chain Summoned, place 1 counter on this card. When 4 counters are on this card, you can Charge Summon this card from your Extra Deck, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the amount of counters on this card x 500.


(Limited for sure.)


Blood Cannon Phantom Shot


Level 4

FIRE Attribute


When this card is Summoned, place 5 counters on this card. Once per turn, you can remove 1 counter from this card to place 1 counter on a card in your Extra Deck, inflict 600 damage to your opponent's Life Points, or increase the Level of a monster in the Extra Deck by 1.


Blood Cannon Shock Gun


Level 4

FIRE Attribute


When this card is Summoned, place 6 counters on it. When a monster is Special Summoned, you can remove 2 counters from this card to remove the monster from play. Once per turn, you can remove 1 counter form this card to inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points + 50 for every "Blood Cannon" monster on the field.


Blood Cannon Radar Destroyer


Level 4

FIRE Attribute


Battle Damage inflicted by this card is treated as Effect Damage. When Effect Damage is inflicted to your opponent's Life Points, you can remove 1 counter of any type from the field to inflict 600 damage to your opponent's Life Points + 50 for every "Blood Cannon" monster on the field.


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