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Plaguespreader Zombie

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"Hi Cay!! Oh my god, it's been ages!" Gushed Hannah over the phone, "How's it going hosting a TV show? The family and a few friends are watching the show right now!! The years have been good to you I'd liike to say," She said wih a light giggle.


Erica looked to Kai, "Really? That's so cool!" Ericca said with a smile. "Here, I wanna take your picture!" Erica said as she took a digital camera from her cleavage.

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"More than you think Kai," She said with a secret grin, "Ok, now leanclose to me so we both fit in the picture!" She said, ushering him closer.


"Oh, no problem!" Hannah said with a laugh, "Hey, I have two people who want to talk to you!" Hannah said, giving the phone to someone.

"Hey Cay, remember me?" Said a very familiar guy's voice.

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Erica took her Camera and put it back into her cleavage, but not before snapping a quick picture of her and Kai.


"Don't tell me you've forgotten your dear old friend from season one so easilly!" The familiar voice said with a chuckle.

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"Hey, she's grown on me quite a bit, and we're great. We have a teenaged girl on the show actually, her name's Erica. I think she has a bit of her mom's talents if you ask me." Atticus said with a sly grin.


"Bytch, back off, he's my man!!" ERica growled, pouncing on Layla and spitting in her face.

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OOC: No it doesn't. Atticus and Axle weren't cousins. Therefore, no family traits.


"Oh yeah.....wow she was a tiger.......aren't you two married now?" Atticus asked him.


"Still, don't hug my KaiKai Muffins!" She said, gettin goff of Layla.

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