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Plaguespreader Zombie

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Chester gasped as she fell on him. His nose tickled even more now. He desperatly tried to push Cassie off of him...but he could barely even see for the fact he kept closing his eyes.

"KIHTCHHOOO!!!!!!!" Chester sneezed so hard, it threw Cassie off of him. He sniffled slightly, causing another sneeze.

"Got...I regre......regreh...he...HITCHOOEY!!!!" He sneezed again, very loudly. It could be heard outside the cabin. "I'm beginning to regret this...." Chester said quickly before he had to sneeze again.

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"ME..Me..MCHOO..."Cassie sneezed..."Me to..to..tCHOO!!!Cassie sneezed so hard she went up agen and fell header on Chester.."Im really sor..sor..SCHOO!!!"Cassie sneezed and went up in the air agen and fell on Chester.."Im so sorry Chessy..."Cassie said quickly as she sneezed..

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Chester groaned as she fell on him.

"Just one h-h-h-hour left..." Said Chester, his breath hitching. "It's o-KATCTHOO!!! HATCHOO!!! CHOO!!! RAHTCHOO!!!!!" CHester sneezed continuously. Each time he tried to open his mouth...he sneezed again. "C-Cassie....nomatter what I do to you...I love you....uh...uh...uh.... HITCCHOOO!!!!!!" Chester sneezed violently, accidently right on Cassie.

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As Chester sneezed on Cassie, Cassie accidentally sneezed on him.."Sor-CHOO.."Cassie sneezed agen.."This is way to mu..mu MCHOO...Sneezing..."Cassie said as she sneezed..."I love you too..Chessy...Ah..Ah..ACHOO!!!!!!!Cassie sneezed so hard she feel up and landed on Chester Harder then ever accidentally..."Im so sor...sor..SCHOO!!!!Cassie said as she sneezed agen..."How much more.."Cassie said as she sneezed violently....

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"S-t-t- TCHOO!!! Stop appologising.....HIGN'K!!!!" Chester stiffled one by plugging his nose, but he felt like his head would explode. This time, he couldn't get Cassie off of him. I-i--i- ITCHOO!!!, ISHOO!!!!" Chester sneezed again, not having enough time to cover his mouth.

"JUst about 20 min-n-n-n-n-utes of thi- TCHOO!!!! This hehl..... YCHOO!!!! HATCHOO!!!! CHOO!!! AHCHOO!!!!" Chester couldn't stop, his nose and chest hurt.

"Not even amazing sex is worth this hell," CHester thought gllumly as he continiued to have a fit.

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"Ok...Ches..Ches..CHTOO...."Cassie sneezed..."Do you think this will be good after this this ACHOO!!!!Cassie sneezed on Chester.."Wait..Chester did you just sa..say..SACHOO!!!!Cassie sneezed violently sneezed on Chester accidentally.."Im so s..s..SCHOO!!!!Cassie sneezed agen and fell on Chester..."How much long..long..LONCHOO!!!!Cassie sneezed violently and fell on Chester agen...

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Chester wiped his face and chest. He pushed Cassie off of him with a volatle sneeze.

"I said, 10 minnutes of this.....oh woah. It's gone. But where's the pleasure?" Sniffled Chester.


Erica looked puzzled, "Kai Kai, I can hear a strange noise coming from inside the cabbin, go in and see what it is," Erica said, pushing Kai forward to the door.

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(( OOC: How is Kai selfcentered? ))


Kai placed his arm around Erica. "So... what do you want to do? Oh, and, when we get off the island, I'll take you anywhere you want. My dad still has some money left over from when he won, thanks to the stock markets," Kai explained.

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