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Plaguespreader Zombie

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"Ok...but I'll warn you, since we've used this 3 times in one day....both effects are doubled in intensity and length, BOTH effects. 40 minutes of the bad effect....but 4 sweet hours of the good effect, if my math is correct, and It was my best subject," Chester said, absentmindedly, the pouch in his hand.

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"Well.....I've had much worse......when my aunt Hannah gave me a tolerance to it. I spent a whole day of the bad effect for a whole week of the good effect, so I'm good," Chester said, holding out the bag of powder.

"So, you positive?" HE asked.

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"Ok...your funeral......just a bit of a warning.......both effects are very intense at round three....." Chester said, pinching the powder on the two of them. Chester instantly felt the bad effect kick in.

"Ishoo!!" Chester sneezed violently.

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Chester gasped.... "ACK! You can't add more....no the effects are even more intense.........Ah, ah......ATCHOO!!!!" Chester sneezed, the force shaking his body.

" NOw an hour and twenty minutes of this effect........But it does give you 8 hours of the good feeling......." Chester mused in his head.

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"O-..Ah, ah......ATCHOO..."Cassie fell on Chester as she sneezed.."Sor-..Ah, ah......ATCHOO.."Cassie sneezed and went about 2 feet up and then fell back on Chester.."Sorr-Ah, ah......ATCHOO.."Cassie tried to say sorry but couldn't..As she sneezed and went up but fell back on Chester..

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