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Plaguespreader Zombie

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"Well, the truth is... my dad actually got me into poetry... he was secretly a poet too," Kai explained.



"You're on national Television!! You weren't suppose to tell anyone that!!" Axle yelled from back home.



Kai smiled a bit. "My raps are a bit like my poetry... I think of how I feel about the guy, like I do in poetry, and then apply it into the situation," Kai told Erica.

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"That's, so moving, Erica said, blushing madly.


"Hey Axy, that's what got me to sleep with you in the first place...you and your poetry, oh so cute!" Hannah said, pinching Axle's cheek.


"Could you....um...nevermind it's stupid..." Erica said with a sigh.

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Kai hesitated for a moment. He usually didn't write his poems down, but he did ocasionally. He decided to make up a poem at the top of his head. It would only be a small poem, but he hoped it would work.


"When the smile appeares on her face,

To me, she is as bright as the sun,

When she blushes and laughs,

I know, I know, she is the one,"


Kai spoke the words so smoothly. It was like he had said that a thousand of times, even though he just made it up.

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"Oh, that makes it even sweeter," Erica said, kissing Kai on the lips. She was drunk in love with him and she didn't care who knew.


"Yeah, I've seen his poetry hung up in his room and lying around the house," Hannah said with a smile, "He keeps loosing his papers to his poetry, so whenever I find a piece, I take it and read it, so relaxing and sweet, just like his father," said Hannah, kissing Axle.

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"I know, I hate it too, that makes us supposed to be enemies no matter what," Erica said, looking into Kai's sparkling eyes.

"I don't want that at all, just to be with you," she said with a smile to Kai.


"Why doesn't she just ask one of the people on the Bass to switch with her? That's what both me and Hannah did to be with our guys!" Renne argued to Axle and Atticus.

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"I guess we should go to bed now.... but I don't want to sleep in the cabins... and there is nothing extremly soft and squishy I can sleep on," Kai muttered.


"Cay runs the show now. The show will have different rules," Axle said. "Hm... Hannah... I just realized something... Kai has an obsession with squishy stuff," Axle said.

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"Yeah. Squishy stuff soothes me. It keeps me calm so I don't go off and kill someone," Kai explained. "Every person has something that keeps there soul calm. Mine happens to be squishy stuff. It's not really considered a flaw, because it's more part of the soul, and a soul can't have flaws," Kai explained. He seemed to have known Erica thought it was a flaw. Kai seemed to have an answer for everything. "I'm pretty sure you have something weird about you that keeps you calm or soothes you or makes you feel good," Kai said.



"What I mean is... he has those weird... squishy pillows... which are actually comfy," Axle said.

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"Well yeah, you got me there," Erica said, taking out a little Teddy Bear from her chest. It was small and cute. He had a nice little blue bowtie and a smile on his face. He was also very soft and furry. "This little guy soothes me when I'm sad or am far from home," Erica said, giving the bear a big hug. "I've had him ever since I was a little girl, my parents gave it to me for my 3rd birthday." Erica said, smiling and remembering her past. "I took this guy everywere I went when I was young, and I still do today," she sid, smelling the teddy bear's fur, "He smells like home," she said with a giggle.


"Now that you mention it,those pillows are very comfy," Hannah said with a smile, she was lying against one right at that moment.

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