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Photoshop sig tut

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This isn't my best tag and has some problems but this tut is to help beginners.

We will be making something similar to this:

1. Create a canvas. I used 390 x 130. Fill it with any color you like. Black is usually best. I used yellow (for a change.)
2. Place a c4d on it at normal 30%.
3. Use the ellipse tool and make a wigly line of circles to help the flow.
4. Add a render and keep it on normal 100%.
5. Add a c4d at lighten 100%. Use a c4d with good flow and position it in a good position for flow and erase parts that look bad.
6. Add another c4d in a good position for flow at overlay 100%. Erase bad parts.
7. Add a new layer and make wavy lines with the pen tool with a color matching your sig. Make sure simulate pressure is on. Set that layer to soft light 100%.
8. New layer, apply image. Add a black and white gradient map. Set that layer to lighten 35%.
9. Add another c4d with a different color to the sig. Set it to overlay 100%.
10. New layer, apply image. Use the liquify filter over the c4ds for flow.
11. New layer, apply image. Erase the render. Use the liquify filter again over the remains of that layer.
12. New layer, apply image. Do a gradient map with 2 colors of your choice. Set that layer to lighten 75%.
13. Make a couple of wiggly lines away from the render in white on a new layer with the pen tool. Set it to dissolve 14%.
14. New layer, apply image. Do another gradient map with 2 colors of your choice. I did purple and green. Set it to overlay 70%.
15. New layer. Use a 100 pixel white soft brush around a place where you want the light to come from. Set it to vivid light 60%.
16. New layer, apply image. Do a cooling photo filter. Set that layer to normal 55%.
17. Make a new layer. Use a 100 pixel white soft brush and make the light source stronger. Set that layer to soft light 100%.
18. New layer, apply image. Erase the render. Go to filters>brush strokes>accented edges.
19. New layer, apply image. Brush over any plain gaps with a color matching your sig. Set that layer to multiply 50%.
20. New layer, apply image. Brush over any gaps filled in the last step and some other parts that looks plain with a different color matching your sig. Set that layer to normal 50%.
21. New layer, apply image. Use the blur tool and blur the c4ds. Keep it at normal 100%.
22. New layer, apply image. Erase all parts but the render. Use the sharpen filter once to sharpen the render.
23. Dowload these brushes. http://keren-r.deviantart.com/art/Soft-Clouds-Textures-Brushes-23272015 (You might find them useful for other sigs too.) New layer, apply image. Brush around the c4ds with those brushes. Set that layer to Hard Mix 15%.
24. New layer, apply image. Erase the render. Do a gradient map with 2 colors of your choice. Use the liquify filter to add to the flow. Set that layer to Lighten 8%.
25. Add a c4d. Use the liquify filter on it to create flow. Set that layer to color dodge 40%.
26. New layer. Use a 200 pixel black soft brush around the sides of the sig. Set that layer to saturation 30%.
27. Duplicate that layer. Set this one to soft light 100%.
28. Duplicate that layer. Use the burn tool and burn the parts around where the light is coming from. Set it to normal 30%.
29. New layer, apply image. Make the lighting stronger by burning aronud the light source. Set that layer to normal 70%.
30. New layer, apply image. Do a photo filter. The type is your choice, do one that fits your sig. I did violet. Set that layer to normal 70%.
31. New layer, apply image. Go to filter>sketch>chalk & charcoal. Set that layer to soft light 30%.
32: Add a c4d. Position it in a position fitting the flow. Erase parts that look bad. Set it to color dodge 60%.

Your done! The following is optional.

If your a black and white fan, new layer, apply image. Do a black and white gradient map. Leave it at normal 100%.
Add text if you want.

Psd file: http://hyperfileshare.com/d/705d901e

Hope this tutorial helped you. Please leave feedback and post your results.
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