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pharaoh cat synchro


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[spoiler= 41| Main Deck][spoiler= 20| Monsters]

2| Rescue Cat

2| Summon Priest

3| X-Saber Airbellum

2| neo-spacian dark panther

2| Sea Koala

3| Gravekeeper's Spy

3| Gravekeeper's Commandant

1| Gravekeeper's Guard

1| Gravekeeper's Assailant

1| Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier


[spoiler= 13| Spells]

3| Allure Of Darkness

3| Necrovalley

1| Terraforming

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

2| Magical Mallet

1| Giant Trunade

2| Cold Wave


[spoiler= 8| traps]

2| Threatening Roar

3| Bottomless trap hole

3| Solemn judgment




[spoiler= 15| extra deck]

2| Thought Ruler Archfiend

2| Dark Strike Fighter

2| Arcanite Magician

2| Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

2| Natural Beast

2| Goyo Guardian

1| Black Rose Dragon

1| Ally of Justice - Catastor

1| Mist Wurm


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