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[DISC] Iron Chain Monsters [DISC]

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Against LS and Tele-DAD' date=' yes. But against...um...shoddy beatdowns, you FREAKING RUIN their strategy. Heh, yes.



I NOE! Dis one time. I wuz like playin a Shape Snatch OTK and I ATKD with ICD and milled 2 of their Shape Snatches!!!



Have it in Extra Deck, don't expect to play it anytime soon.

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burn / mill .......true, it would be good if it only focused in one point

I don't think konami will make more, it wasn't kinda....important enough.... as soon as the fat guy that used the deck in the anime stopped apearing, the deck stopped getting updates (it didn't really have updates because it was a "1 chapter character")

and these are decks that never EVER got more support:

-cristal beasts

-phantom beasts



-ect ...(and I bet black feathers won't have too much support either after its user disapeared in a dark cloud in the anime, what a waste but I hope the cards released or announsed so far are enough to support this deck)

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I use it and Gaia Knight so that I can get Junk Synchron + Jutte Fighter + Spell Striker = Colossal Fighter or Stardust Dragon. You can't use 2 tuners in one synchro summon' date=' you know.



Im pretty sure you can only use 1 tuner per Sncyro

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I use it and Gaia Knight so that I can get Junk Synchron + Jutte Fighter + Spell Striker = Colossal Fighter or Stardust Dragon. You can't use 2 tuners in one synchro summon' date=' you know.



Im pretty sure you can only use 1 tuner per Sncyro


Jurrasic, let me explain it to you: Let's say I have Spell Striker and Junk Synchron in my hand and Jutte Fighter is the only Level 2 monster in my Grave. First I summon Junk Synchron, bringing back my JF. Now I special summon Spell Striker with its ability. Now I tune Junk Synchron with Spell Striker to summon Gaia Knight or Iron Chain Dragon. Then I tune Jutte Fighter with the Synchro monster I just Synchro Summoned to summon Colossal Fighter or Stardust Dragon.

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