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Puzzle Time (Try to solve)


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There is no other common word ending in "-gry".


Perhaps the answer to the original version of the puzzle was meagry or aggry (as in "aggry bead"). There are over 100 obsolete words that end in "-gry", and these two were in use until fairly recently. However, since there is no longer a real answer to this, modern versions of the puzzle have turned from being puzzles to being riddles. There are perhaps as many as a dozen versions in circulation - each with a different answer!

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affect-hungry fire-angry MacLoingry Seagry

aggry Gagry mad-angry self-angry

Agry girl-hungry mad-hungry selfe-angry

ahungry gonagry magry sensation-hungry

air-hungry gry malgry sex-angry

anhungry haegry man-hungry sex-hungry

Badagry half-angry managry Shchigry

Ballingry hangry mannagry shiggry

begry heart-angry Margry Shtchigry

bewgry heart-hungry maugry sight-hungry

boroughmongry higry pigry mawgry skugry

bowgry hogry meagry Sygry

braggry hogrymogry meat-hungry Tangry

Bugry hongry menagry Tchangry

Chockpugry hound-hungry messagry Tchigry

Cogry houngry music-hungry tear-angry

cony-gry huggrymuggry nangry th'angry

conyngry hund-hungry overangry tike-hungry

cottagry Hungry Bungry Pelegry Tingry

Croftangry hwngry Pingry toggry

diamond-hungry iggry Podagry ulgry

dog-hungry Jagry Pongry unangry

dogge-hungry job-hungry pottingry vergry

Dshagry kaingry power-hungry Vigry

Dzagry land-hungry profit-hungry vngry

eard-hungry Langry puggry war-hungry

Echanuggry leather-hungry pugry Wigry

Egry ledderhungry red-angry wind-hungry

euer-angry life-hungry rungry yeard-hungry

ever-angry Lisnagry scavengry yird-hungry

fenegry losengry Schtschigry Ymagry?

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