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Shitennou Archetype

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The Shitennou archetype consists of 6 mostly Extra Deck monsters and support. This archetype concentrates on the summoning of those monsters.


[spoiler=Volume 1]

Shitennou Rekkaze


Level 9

WIND Attribute


To Special Summon this card, remove from play monsters in your field or Graveyard until their ATK is equal to this card's ATK plus or minus 400 or less. "Shitennou" monsters inflict Piercing Damage. When a "Shitennou" monster inflicts Piercing Damage, the piercing damage is doubled. When a "Shitennou" monster inflicts Piercing Damage, the other monster involved in the battle is sent to its owner's hand, and cannot be Summoned until the owner's next turn. This card cannot be removed from the field by effects or costs.


Shitennou Hikari


Level 9

LIGHT Attribute


1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

If this card is in your Extra Deck, once per turn, you can decrease this card's Level by 1 as long as this card is in your Extra Deck. Monsters cannot be removed from the field during the 2 turns after they are summoned. During your opponent's turn, if this card is removed from play, you can discard 1 card from your hand to negate any Battle Damage taken as a result of battle OR Battle Damage sustained from a Direct Attack. When this card is removed from the field, increase your Life Points equal to the total Level of the monsters on the field x 550. This card cannot be removed from the field by effects or costs.



Shitennou Accelera

Normal Spell

Discard 1 "Shitennou" monster from your Extra Deck. Draw 2 cards.


Shitennou Bullet

Normal Spell

You can Special Summon 1 "Shitennou" monster in your Graveyard. Treat it as being Wave/Charge/Counter/Chain/Synchro Summoned and follow the conditions on the card.


Arknight Diarika


Level 4

LIGHT Attribute


When this card is Summoned, select this card's ATK and DEF. The ATK and DEF of this card cannot be more than 1900, and they must total at most 2700. When this card is Special Summoned or removed from the field to Special Summon a card in your Extra Deck, draw 2 cards.


Arknight Evolution Saichania


Level 4

EARTH Attribute


During either player's turn, at any time during either player's turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand and increase the Level of a monster by 1. When an "Arknight" or "Shitennou" monster is Special Summoned, draw 1 card.


(Lolwut? This guy is from 2 of my archetypes, AND he supports Dark Worlds while wrecking Synchro Summons? What the heck?)



[spoiler=Volume 2]

Shitennou Kuriai


Level 9

DARK Attribute


When a monster is Special Summoned, you can Chain the Chain Summoning of this card to the Special Summoning of the monster and negate the Special Summoning of that monster. The Chain Summoning of this card cannot be negated. When your opponent Special Summons monsters, you can discard 1 card from either player's Extra Deck to negate the Special Summoning of the monster. The monster discarded as a cost for this effect is treated as having been Summoned properly and then sent to the Graveyard.


Shitennou Fyrfnir


Level 9

FIRE Attribute


When you Summon a monster, place 1 counter on this card. When you Summon a "Shitennou" monster, place 3 counters on this card. When this card has 6 counters, you can Charge Summon this card from your Extra Deck. Once per turn, when a monster is Summoned, you can increase the ATK of all monsters you control by 500. You can reduce this card's ATK by 800 to destroy 1 card on the field. When this card attacks, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field and negate its effects. Only once each of your opponent's Battle Phases, when this card is attacked, you can destroy 1 monster on the field and negate its effects.


Arknight Markus


Level 5

EARTH Attribute


1 monster + 1 monster

You can only Fusion Summon this card by sending the Fusion Materials from either side of the field to the Graveyard, including a monster you control or own. You can Tribute this card and remove from play this card's Fusion Materials to Special Summon 1 "Shitennou" monster in your Graveyard, ignoring the summoning conditions.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Error are minor, but I saw some



To Special Summon this card, remove from play monsters you control or Graveyard until their ATK is equal to this card's ATK plus or minus 400 or less. "Shitennou" monsters inflict Piercing Damage. When a "Shitennou" monster inflicts Piercing Damage, the piercing damage is doubled. When a "Shitennou" monster inflicts Piercing Damage, the other monster involved in the battle is sent to its owner's hand, and cannot be Summoned until the owner's next turn. This card cannot be removed from the field by effects or costs.


1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

If this card is in your Extra Deck, once per turn, you can decrease this card's Level by 1 as long as this card is in your Extra Deck. Monsters cannot be removed from the field during the 2 turns after they are summoned. During your opponent's turn, if this card is removed from play, you can discard 1 card from your hand to negate any Battle Damage taken as a result of battle OR Battle Damage sustained from a Direct Attack. When this card is removed from the field, increase you Life Points equal to the total Level of the monsters on the field x 550. This card cannot be removed from the field by effects or costs.


During either player's turn, at any time during either player's turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand increase the Level of a monster by 1. When an "Arknight" or "Shitennou" monster is Special Summoned, draw 1 card.


volume two


When you Summon a monster, place 1 counter on this card. When you Summon a "Shitennou" monster, place 3 counters on this card. When this card has 6 counters, you can Charge Summon this card from your Extra Deck. Once per turn, when a monster is Summoned, you can increase the ATK of all monsters you control by 500. You can reduce this card's ATK by 800 to destroy 1 card on the field. When this card attacks, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field and negate its effects. Only once each of your opponent's Battle Phases, when this card is attacked, you can destroy 1 monster you control and negate its effects.


You can only Fusion Summon this card by sending the Fusion Materials from either field to the Graveyard, including a monster you control or own. You can Tribute this card and remove from play this card's Fusion Materials to Special Summon 1 "Shitennou" monster in your Graveyard, ignoring the Summoning conditions.



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Error are minor' date=' but I saw some



To Special Summon this card, remove from play monsters you control or Graveyard until their ATK is equal to this card's ATK plus or minus 400 or less. "Shitennou" monsters inflict Piercing Damage. When a "Shitennou" monster inflicts Piercing Damage, the piercing damage is doubled. When a "Shitennou" monster inflicts Piercing Damage, the other monster involved in the battle is sent to its owner's hand, and cannot be Summoned until the owner's next turn. This card cannot be removed from the field by effects or costs.


Too awkward. "You control or Graveyard?"


volume two


When you Summon a monster, place 1 counter on this card. When you Summon a "Shitennou" monster, place 3 counters on this card. When this card has 6 counters, you can Charge Summon this card from your Extra Deck. Once per turn, when a monster is Summoned, you can increase the ATK of all monsters you control by 500. You can reduce this card's ATK by 800 to destroy 1 card on the field. When this card attacks, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field and negate its effects. Only once each of your opponent's Battle Phases, when this card is attacked, you can destroy 1 monster you control and negate its effects.


Bolded is no. It's supposed to be from either side of the field.




Otherwise, fixed.

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