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Icarus Attack

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tributing gbs isnt generally a good idea. i mean, if you absolutely need to break a field lock, maybe you could side it, but it seems like twister would be more beneficial, as field locks usually involve mts.

all those winged beasts are destructive enough without adding more, furthermore, they can all become progressively more destructive so long as they remain on the field. whether through tagging out or contact fusing.



run it in a harpy deck!

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There's cards that can efficiently use that space as well; Cold Wave, Waboku, maybe even Bottomless Trap Hole if you wanted. It's just that, you don't really need to use Icarus Attack when Gyzarus is summoned, unless their field is clogged. However, tech it in and tell me how it plays. Using this after a newly summoned Gyzarus seems diabolical. Although, no more Gyzarus for you. :>

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gyzarus's worth as a 24 beater and capable of tagging out to make more rapists or even being used to fuse again with another best kind of outweigh that. even test tiger-ing it seems a little more beneficial, as your at least left with something at the end of the day.

but if your opponent is running royal oppression, i could see how this would be useful.

even then, though, twister, dust, mst, heavy, etc

you dont need it.

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I'd have to agree with Tronta, Icarus Attack doesn't seem as beneficial to Gladiator Beasts than it would to say Harpies or Black Feather. Unless you're running a focused Equeste / Darius build; tributing a Gladiator Beast doesn't seem as logical as attacking with one to tag out.

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well, first, side heavy, twister, dust, mst, even trunade to get rid of oppressions.

next, thunder king misses the timing unless theyre using it against gyzarus/heraklinos.

kill it with murmillo/a beefed laquari.


you cant tribute thunderking to stop a tag out, it misses the timing because the special summon starts a chain. aside from having 19 attack and hitting your fusions, its kind of useless against gbs.



lastly, in response to icarus, lets look at the cards flaws.

first, this card is a trap.

which means that its slow.

you cant immediately nuke things, you have to wait a turn, and then tribute. while not terrible, this is very very slow.

although, you can activate it in response to your own monster being destroyed. so its kind of so-so


next, it specifically says 2, and can hit you OR your opponent, which means that it can very easily backfire, or not work at all. obviously youd wait for your opponent to have 2 cards you want destroyed, but in the meantime, its not terrifically chainable in that he can mst it with nothing or little on his side of the field.

this leaves you either activating to take out what you can, and possibly take a hit yourself (youre already losing a monster), or simply losing the card itself, and the deckspace that it took up. not terrific in my opinion. that same deckspace could simply be better used on something straight chainable with little or no loss like dust, mst, or twister.


lastly, it specifies winged beast.

this means you could be stuck with this card and a handful of beasts when using it in tandem with gbs. now, obviously each one can switch out, but that then kind of defeats the purpose.


gbs have a certain momentum to them, in my experience. once they get rolling, theyre neigh impossible to stop, save with a few cards. using this kind of card breaks the momentum. it gives you dead or at least slower draws, and once you tribute the card, you just take a part of the flow away from the whole deck.


eh. i might be wrong, but i dont like it.

test it, but you might find what ive said will happen.

at the very most, in my opinion, side deck it.

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well' date=' first, side heavy, twister, dust, mst, even trunade to get rid of oppressions.

next, thunder king misses the timing unless theyre using it against gyzarus/heraklinos.

kill it with murmillo/a beefed laquari.


you cant tribute thunderking to stop a tag out, it misses the timing because the special summon starts a chain. aside from having 19 attack and hitting your fusions, its kind of useless against gbs.


I mained heavy and mst and sided dust, but didn't draw them.


I didn't know Thunder King Missed its timing when the when they tag in another GB. Do have a ruling for this?

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if anyone knows countertraps, its me, and chiefly among them are the rulings on solemn, which are, as they pertain to special summons, the same rulings as horn, black horn, and thunder king. oppression does not miss the timing as it can chain to anything that special summons, instead of just the summon itself.



"Thunder King Rai-Oh's" second effect can be activated at the same timing as "Solemn Judgment", "Horn of Heaven", etc., to negate Special Summons that do not start a Chain.



quote from solemn:

"Solemn Judgment" cannot negate a Special Summon if it results from the activated effect of a monster card, like "Mystic Tomato", "Light and Darkness Dragon", "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord", "Marauding Captain", "Lonefire Blossom", etc.[1]


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tributing gbs isnt generally a good idea. i mean' date=' if you absolutely need to break a field lock, maybe you could side it, but it seems like twister would be more beneficial, as field locks usually involve mts.

all those winged beasts are destructive enough without adding more, furthermore, they can all become progressively more destructive so long as they remain on the field. whether through tagging out or contact fusing.



run it in a [b']Black Wings[/b]!


So right u are my good sir but only 1 or 2 dont want to over do it

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Fail card is fail.


Only use it ever really had is with Harpies' date=' and even their their are better cards to use then this.



I understand that that card is leagues behind the powerful Gyzarus, DAD, JDs, etc...


But, really, FAIL CARD? NO WAY!


This is definitely decent support for a forgotten type.

First of all, it's chainable 2 for 2. Considering generic chainable removals are 2 for 1, this card at least does not falls into the "General Card > Specific Card" fail category.

Second of all, this card can destroy both monsters and spell traps, both face-up and facedowns, giving it much more versatility, and the chances of it backfiring is extremely low.

A opponent having a monster and a S/T set is extremely common.


Yes, this card gets killed by Stardust and Thought Ruler, but that doesn't make a card fail, that just make it unable to see competitive play.

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