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Garden Burn

That Fat Guy

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I dunno I figure this might be fun. This is post Tuningware coming out, I don't have a current replacement for him. But I don't plan on building this 'till he comes out anyways, so yeah. Here we go.


Monsters: 17

3x Lonefire Blossom

2x Tytannial

1x Gigaplant

3x Cyber Valley

3x Tuningware

2x Nettles

2x Botanical Lion

1x Lord Poison


Spells: 15

3x Black Garden

2x Terraforming

2x Miracle Fertalizer

2x Machine Dupe

2x Mark of the Rose

1x Reborn

1x MST

1x Heavy

1x Trunade


Traps: 8

3x Solemn

2x Secret Barrel

3x Just Desserts


I may have missed something. Just let me know if there's something that should blatantly be here that isn't.

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Ok, so let's say I put Gigaplant at 3. By the time I second summon him, he'll be 200 points below a token. I'm not gonna waste a turn and a half getting gigaplant on my field just to have him be weak as hell. I'm not gonna drop him before garden, to answer that question. I want garden out as quickly as possible. My main goal here is to stuff my opponent's field with tokens, via dupe and lonefire, then dealing massive burn with Just Desserts/Secret Barrel which will each likely hit for >2k. I don't see multiple copies of Gigaplant going well with this deck. I'm sure I'm breaking the 1st commandment of plants or whatever, but this deck just isn't designed for him.


BTW, I did the -3 WMC for +3 Just Desserts. I think this could use a little more 'umph' in the burn department, and WMC seems like it could do the job. Princess covers it in most departments, so it's hard to take down (solemn can handle heavies and trunades).

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