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Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Champion Academia [Started, Tournament Beginning]

Santi :D

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Yata Draws a Card Which he says "I summon Yata-Raven in Attack position and I Equip him with Death Whisper - Stage 1" At which a Raven appears with Thorns growing out of it


Death Whisper - Yata-Raven

[Dark/Winged Beast/Plague/4/1900/1600]

This card cannot destroy monsters as a result of battle or inflict battle Damage, When this card attacks, Place 1 Plague Counter on 1 monster, When a Monster has 3 Plague Counters, Destroy that card, By removing 2 Plague Counters, This Card can attack Directly


Death Whisper - Stage 1


Equip only to a Plague Monster, That Monster is able to Inflict Battle Damage and Destroy Monsters, At your End Phase of the 2nd Turn that this card was activated, Send this Card to the Graveyard to add 1 "Death Whisper - Stage 2" from your Deck, Graveyard, or Removed From play pile to your hand


"...Then I remove 2 Plague Counters from Ryko to Allow my Raven to fly over your Monsters and Attack Directly..."


the 2 Black dots on Ryko disappear at Which the Raven Flies over Athena and Parshanth and Lifts it's Tail

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Yata then bellows "I activate a Facedown, Judgement of Yata-Aluria, Which can Activate when either Player loses exactly 1000 Life points, they Instead take 2000 and can Special summon 1 Plague Monster from their Extra Deck that is Level 8 or Higher, and I Pick... Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria!"


A Majestic King Rises from a Podium as Yata takes an extra 1000 and then the King Jumps off the Podium, His ATK Rings in at 5850


Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria


1 Tuner + 1 or more Death Whisper Non-tuner Monster

This card cannot destroy monsters as a result of battle or Inflict battle damage, When this card attacks, Place 1 Plague Counter on 1 monster, When a Monster has 3 Plague Counters, Destroy that Monster, Once per turn, By Discarding 1 card, you can Destroy 1 Spell or Trap, and all monsters your opponent controls, This card can attack all Monsters with 2 Plague Counters on them, When it attacks using this effect, Destroy all other cards you control

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Aaron: Alright. I need the right card here... Perfect! Go Heavy Storm! Destroy all the spell and trap cards on the field. Now by paying 2000 life points, I can activate the effect of my Solar Burst trap card.


Aaron - 6000

Yata - 4800




Now I activate Premature Burial to ressurect Airknight Parshath! I tune my Flare Token to my Airknight Parshath to synchro summon Black Rose Dragon! I activate it's special ability to destroy all the cards on the field! Now, I play my final magic card, Monster Reborn to revive Athena in attack mode. Attack!

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Yata Draws his a card, then Smiles "I activate Monster Reborn on Ryko, then I Equip "Death Whisper - Transcendance" onto Ryko, Then I send Transcendance and Ryko to the Graveyard..." then Ryko comes out of the Ground then a Seal Appears on Him, then Ryko turns into a Massive, Fearsome Beast "...Transcendance Summon, Hakiri-Ryko!"


OoC: Response?


Death Whisper Transcendance


Equip only to a Plague Synchro Monster, a "Kyko - Centaur Hunter of the Yata" or a "Death Whisper - Ryko" This card and the Equipped monster cannot be Destroyed by Card effects, When this Face-up card is Sent to the Graveyard, Except as a Fusion Material, Inflict 1500 Damage to your opponent


Transcended Whispering Beast - Hakiri-Ryko


1 "Death Whisper - Ryko" + 1 "Death Whisper - Transcendance"

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Sending the Fusion Materials from the field to the graveyard (You do not use Polymerization), You cannot Attack during the turn you Special summon this card, You can only control 1 "Transcended Whispering Beast" Monster, When this card would be Removed from the field, This card is Removed from Play, When it is Removed from play using this effect, This card is Special Summoned During your Opponent's next Standby Phase in Defense Position, This card cannot switch Battle Positions during your next turn if this card is special summoned this way, Control of this card cannot switch, When this card is Summoned from the Extra Deck, Send 1 "Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria" From your Extra Deck to the graveyard, Once per turn, you can Discard 1 card from your hand and Send the top card of your deck to the graveyard to add 1 card from your Graveyard to your hand

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