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Three style testings


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Which one should i work on and improve with?


whosesamuthafuckanow.png <- 43 Layers


Sighcopy.png <- 27 Layers


Multi.png <- 18 Layers


Comment don't hate


PS: I know they are failish and how to improve them already just pick one and why

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Then it would of been Monocolored on the third which is bad.


Second has the neck and shoulders covered in effects which is bad (which is stopping the sig from being decenet)


First one is one that i just finished that had around 22 layers of c4d effects, alot of burning and dodging and other effects.



choice on which sig style i should continue with.

I'll even break down what styles they are.


1st: Anime

2st: Game/Cartoon/Action/Serious

3st: Calm/Game

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