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Felix Culpa

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Welcome, I am the Riddler. I can stump even the greatest mind. Wish too challenge? Ooo, that is impressive!


[spoiler=Riddle Request]



Correct Answer:


Obviously you PM me.


[spoiler=Riddles][spoiler=Solved]2. My cousin, Henry, says he can predict the future when he pets his black poodle. How is this possible? - The riddle never said his predictions were true.

4. What do the poor have, the rich need, and the dead people eat? - Nothing.

5. What two 1-digit positive whole numbers add up to a two-digit number when added, but only a one-digit result when multiplied? - 9 & 1

8. What can two elephants make that no other animal can? - Another elephant.

[spoiler=Un-Solved]1. What activity can only be done at night?

3. What cant eat anything, but yet can eat 100 sheep up easily?

6. A bad actor wanted his name to be in bright lights in every movie theater in the world. He never produced a hit movie, yet he achieved his goal. How?

7. A man was born in Albany in 1849 in a month that does not have an "e" or an "i" and on a day not divisible by 2,3, or 5. When does he become a year older?

8. What can two elephants make that no other animal can?



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