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Pokemon Rpg: The next begining...../ open to anyone need new heroes


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(OoC: I'm gonna have a go and bring this back up)


August had remained behind in the Pokemon Center, having had to deal with her team. She had left them behind to try and build up a new team but now ... it was now she realised just how much she missed them.


"Sorry Squirtle, but I won't need you for a bit," said August as she placed the Great Ball onto the machine. She looked down at Razor. Who to go for, Razor or Leafline? Leafline was her Turtwig who had refused to evolve into a Grotle, even though he was way past the required level. August sighed and made up her mind. Razor would be staying.


She started the machine. The Great Ball soon vanished and four new ordinary Pokeballs arrived. She picked them up. As she grasped them, she could feel the familiar sensation of life living inside. She could sense her Wailmer, her Hitmonchan, her Dratini and most importantly, her mighty Gyarados.


She placed Wailmer's and Gyarados' Pokeballs onto her belt and released her Dratini and Hitmonchan. Now with a more comfortable team, she left the Pokemon Center and went to find Nick.

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