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Darkforce (Dark Tuner/Dark Synchro Archetype)

Father Wolf

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Note about Rules

Monsters can not go below 1 without "Level is treated as 0" or being a Dark Synchro monster.


Monsters can not go above 12 unless stated other wise.


Non-Tuner Monsters = monsters that are not Dark Tuner monsters and Tuner Monsters.


Dark Tuner = Anime only Sub-type. Like the Tuners they are used for Dark Synchro Summons. Insted of the normal Tuner + Non = Synchro (Example: level 2 Tuner + level 6 Non = level 8 Synchro), Dark Synchros are the opposite Non - Dark Tuner = Dark Synchro (Example: level 1 Non - level 9 Dark Tuner = level -8 Dark Synchro monster).


Darkforce Frozen Flanguard (Super)

Water/Sea Serpant/Dark Synchro/Effect


1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s) - 1 Dark Tuner monster

When this monster is summoned place 3 Shield Counters on any monster on the field. During the End phase, place 1 Shield Counter on this card. Once during you main phase, you can remove 2 Shield Counters from the field to draw 1 card. (When a monster that has a Shield Counter on it is attacked, the attacking monster loses 500 ATK for each counter untill the end of the Damage step)

ATK:0 DEF:3000


Darkforce Negative Dragon (Ultra)

Dark/Dragon/Dark Synchro/Effect


1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s) - 1 Dark Tuner monster

When this monsters level is 0 or higher, remove it from play. Once during your main phase, you can increase this monsters level by 2 to place 1 Negative Counter on this monster. Remove 1 Negative Counter from this monster to negate the activation of a spell or trap card and destoy it.

ATK:2950 DEF:2750


Darkforce Gateway Dino (super)

Earth/Dinosaure/Dark Synchro/Effect


1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s) - 1 Dark Tuner monster

This monster can attack directly.

ATK:2500 DEF:2000


Darkforce Acanic Merman (Super)

Water/Fish/Dark Synchro/Effect


1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s) - 1 Dark Tuner monster

When this monster is Summoned, send 1 Dark Synchro monster from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard.

ATK:2900 DEF:0


Darkforce Complete C.D. 101 (Secret/Limited)

Light/Machine/Dark Synchro/Effect


1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s) - 1 Dark Tuner monster

While this card is face-up on the field or in the Graveyard its name is treated as Cyber Dragon. Twice per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to special summon 1 Darkforce Cyber Dragon Chick token (Light/Machine/5/ATK:1100/DEF:600) to your opponites side of the field. These tokens can be tributed in place of sending other monsters to the graveyard for the summoning of "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon".

ATK:2100 DEF:1200


Darkforce Black Body (Rare)

Dark/Fiend/Dark Synchro/Effect


1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s) - 1 Dark Tuner monster

While this card is in your Graveyard all face-up Dark Tuner monsters levels are increase by 1 and all face-up Non-Tuner monsters levels are decreased by 1.

ATK:3000 DEF:3100


Darkforce The Shinning Force (Common)

Light/Fairy/Dark Synchro/Effect


1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s) - 1 Dark Tuner monster

When this monster is sent from the field to the graveyard, you can add 1 Dark Tuner monster from you deck or graveyard to your hand.

ATK:150 DEF:150


Darkforce Shuno Guardian (Ultra/Limited)

Wind/Warrior/Dark Tuner


When this monster is Normal summoned, Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower Non-Tuner monster from your Deck. The Special Summoned monsters effect is negated, its ATK and DEF are reduced to 0, and its Level is treated as 0. Increase this monsters Level equal to the original Level of the Special Summoned monster.

ATK:1700 DEF:0


Darkforce Loyed Wulf (Super)

Dark/Beast Warrior/Dark Tuner


When this monster is Special Summoned, decrease the Level of all face-up monsters by 2 except this monster.

ATK:0 DEF:2000


Darkforce Loyed Pup (Common)

Dark/Beast/Dark Tuner


When this monster is used for a Dark Synchro Summoned, Special Summon 1 "Darkforce Loyed Wulf" from your deck, its effect is negated.

ATK:0 DEF:1000


Darkforce Byzan Repteel (Rare)

Earth/Reptile/Dark Tuner


When this monster is Summoned, increase its Level by the number of Dark Tuner monsters in your graveyard+1.

ATK:1700 DEF:0


Darkforce Riu Thonderbult (Super)

Light/Thunder/Dark Tuner


While this card is in Hand its Level is treated as 4.

ATK:1500 DEF:200


Darkforce Pulse Aud'i (Ultra)

Water/Psychic/Dark Tuner


When this monster is Summoned its Level is treated as 0 until changed. Once per turn, select 1 Non-Tuner monster on the field. The selected monsters Level is treated as 0, increase this monsters Level equal to the original Level of the selected monster.

ATK:1000 DEF:1300


Darkforce Pulse Orcherd Sead (Super)

Fire/Plant/Dark Tuner


Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 Non-Tuner monster you control to Special Summon 1 "Darkforce Orcherd Bloom" token (Dark/Plant/Level:1/ATK:0/DEF:0), then increase this monsters Level equal to the original Level of the Tributed monster.

ATK:300 DEF:500


Darkforce Zombine Ark (Common)

Dark/Zombie/Dark Tuner


While this card is in your Graveyard its Level is treated as 4.

ATK:500 DEF:800


Darkforce Xes Emulater (Common)



While this card is in your Graveyard all face-up Dark Tuner monsters levels are increase by 1.



Darkforce Win Shean (Common)

Wind/Winged Beast/Effect


While this card is in your Graveyard all face-up Non-Tuner monsters levels are decrease by 1, if you control a face-up Dark Tuner.



Darkforce Starz Spirit (Rare)



Discard this card from your hand to increase the Level of 1 face-up Dark Tuner monsters by 1 or 3. Draw 1 card.



Darkforce Darz Shamen (rare)



Flip: Add 1 Dark Tuner monster from your deck to your hand.



Darkforce Warz Statue (Ultra)



During either player's turn, you can discard this card to your Graveyard to negate a Synchro Summon. You can only use thi effect if you have a Dark Tuner or Dark Synchro monster in your graveyard.



Darkforce Spi Daris (Secret)



When this card is Summoned, Special Summon 1 Dark Tuner monster from your Deck. The Special Summoned monsters level is decreased by 4.



Forced to Darkness (Common)

Normal Spell

Send 2 "Darkforce" monsters from your deck to the Graveyard.


Negative Absorbtion (Rare)


Once per turn, select 1 Non-Tuner monster and 1 Dark Tuner monster. Reduse the selected Non-Tuner monster's Level by 2 and increase the selected Dark Tuner monster's Level by 2.


Negative Truth (Ultra)

Normal Spell

Return 3 Dark Synchro monsters form your Graveyard to your Extra Deck. Special Summon 1 Dark Synchro from your Extra Deck.


Dark Forces With-Draw (Super)

Quick-Play Spell

Select 1 face-up "Darkforce" Dark Tuner monster. For every 4 levels the selected monster has draw 1, the selected monsters level is treated as 0 and can not be changed until your second standby phase after this cards activation.


Darkness Tuned (Common)


Select 1 "Darkforce" monster in you Hand or face-up on the field. The selected monsters level is treated as 12 until end of turn.


Omega Level! (Rare)

Normal Trap

All face-up monsters can go above level 12 until end of turn.


Omega Level Capped? (Secret/Limited)

Normal Trap

This card can only be activated if "Omega Level!" has been activated this turn. Discard you entire hand. Select 1 monster on the field increase its level to any level.

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