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I categorise Rituals under "Erotic".


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The Great Within - Ritualistic Directory

Field Spell Card

Once per turn, add 1 Ritual Spell Card or 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand. If you cannot, remove from play this and all copies of this card in your hand, Deck, and Graveyard.


From the Heavens!

Normal Spell Card

Select 1 Ritual monster in your hand or Deck. By Tributing 1 face-up monster with the same Level as the selected monster, Special Summon the selected monster.


Advances In Technology

Normal Trap Card

By removing from play a face-up Ritual Monster you control, Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck with the same Level as the removed monster, ignoring the Summoning Conditions.


Junpei Kada

DARK [] Warrior / Ritual / Effect [] Level 4 [] 1900 / 100

This card can be Normal Summoned. If you Ritual Summon this card, increase this card's ATK by 500 and this card inflicts Piercing damage.


Oro Usagi

LIGHT [] Beast-Warrior / Ritual / Effect [] Level 4 [] 1600 / 800

This card can be Normal Summoned. If you Ritual Summon this card, increase this card's ATK by 400 and destroy 1 card your opponent controls.


Harada Michiru

FIRE [] Spellcaster / Ritual / Effect [] Level 4 [] 1800 / 1500

This card can be Normal Summoned. If you Ritual Summon this card, increase this card's ATK by 300 and return 1 monster your opponent controls to their hand.


Devil's Bane - Temple Ritual

Ritual Spell Card

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Junpei Kada", "Oro Usagi", or "Harada Michiru". You must also offer monsters as Tribute from your hand or field whose Level equals or surpasses 4.


Long-Distance Summoning

Ritual Spell Card

Select 1 Ritual Monster in your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. Remove from play monsters (other than the selected monster) in your hand, field, Graveyard, or Deck that equal the selected monster's Level x1.5 and Special Summon the selected monster.


I wanted to make Rituals playable.

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