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Code Geass: Dawn of a Dark World (Join and you might get a rep)


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Nunnally walking to the conference room where Zero and General Tohdou is, "Let is talk about the current situation. The Chinese are in the the mountain fortress, so it would be hard to break in. Zero responds, "Maybe we have to launch a full scale attack, but we would have to wait 3 days for reinforcements." Nunnally was thinking about something.




Kallin walks to Ren's cell, looking at him, "So you were the pilot which attacked us, you know they are discussing what to do with you in the conference room."

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"Well cutie, as long as they don't kill me or scrap my knightmare." The pilot smirked as he looked back at her. //Why would she come down and talk to me anyways, unless....// "So why are you down here.

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"I got bored, so I come down here to harass the prisoner, but you are the only one here so you will do. Well we do not plan to kill you. Also your knightmare is very interesting," Kallin said.




Nunally continue to discuss what to do with the prisoner. Tohdou says, "Why not kill him, he might be a rebel." Nunnally responds, "Well what happens if he is not, he could be useful."

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"Well all the custom work I put into the Norain would go to waste if it wasn't. It ran out of energy during our fight because of the dimensions system I put into it. It allows me to get stored items from a different dimension but it takes a lot of energy." The pilot took off his helmet and tossed it to the side as he stood up to look around his cell. "Not very fancy digs for a guest I see."

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"Well for the space question it wasn't very easy. There was a lot of bugs in the system but after a while it started to work." The pilot walked to the cell door as brushed off his pants. "Why not have fancy cells? It would be good for freelancers who haven't taken a side yet like myself."

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"Well why, people challenge us all the time. The cells are just like any other place, boring, plain and falling apart.." Kallen smirked as she walked down the long hallway of the brig, starring at Ren out of the corner of her eye. //That dimension system is pretty interesting, it might be smart to take it apart for studying.// She pushed the botton on the door in front of her, causing it to swoosh to the right.

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//Great.... good thing she didn't take away the helmet...// The pilot picked up his helmet and took out a small bomb that looked alot like a alarm clock. He attached it to the cell door and pressed a small button, leading to a miniture click. A timer appeared on the clock, counting down from ten. "They're planning something, it should be fun to see what."

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In the conference room, it was around 4:00 PM, with the sun almost setting in the horizon. Nunnally sat down in a soft seat, "So what we be the plans, Zero or Tohdou." Zero looking out of the clear window, "Well consider the prisoner, we can let him be for now. I believe it would be a good idea if we prepare a small team of knightmare, can attack the enemy in a surprise attack." Nunnally stand up in a surprise, "Yes that would be the best."

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A blast was heard through out the brig, bits of a cell door flew all over. "Well if the cells were a bit more comfy I would of stayed in." The pilot started to laugh as he made his way to the door and hit the button. //I wonder if someone is waiting on the other side.//

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"See, if you made the cell nice I wouldn't of had to use one of my special "devices"." The pilot smirked as he made his way towards Kallen. "How bout you take me to my Knightmare now cutie." As he grabbed Kallen he pointed a gun to her head. "I wouldn't want to kill you, after all that would be bad for me."

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"I'll go back to my cell after I make sure you guys aren't fing with my knightmare. I spent too much money on parts to have it taken apart." The pilot went to his serious voice as they continued towards the hanger. "How far are we from my Knightmare, I don't want give you guys time to rip it apart."

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Kallen with a worried look, "Well maybe I destroyed it, have you thought of that?" Kallin walking slowly down the hall. Kallen and Ren, come to a 4 way intersection near the center of the ship. "Well the hanger is on the bottom part of the ship and the elevator is to the right of us."

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Ren smiled as he dropped his gun. "Checking my knightmare isn't as important as making sure your ok cutie. Why don't you take me to your leader and we can maybe make out a deal." He slid his gun into his pocket as he checked his watch.

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"As I get shot when the door opens back up." The pilot leaned against the elevator wall while the door was closing. //I wonder if I should go for it or not... I might be able to get paided if I do.// A small chill went through his body as he closed his eyes slightly.

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"I thought you wanted me to wait here." He started to follow Kallen slowly as he started to look at her from behind. "So why is someone like you even working for the U.F.N. they don't even seem like your type of group."

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